Sylvester Stallone received a Filmaker Award at The Venice Film Festival and his appearance got the British tabloids buzzing. He was described as wearing “orangey” makeup and it was pointed out that Sly could arch his eyebrows without creating any creases in his forehead. We compared this smooth look with an early photo – and sure enough- he had more lines on his face thirty years ago. Sly treated the Venice audience to a sneak peek of some scenes from his latest effort “The Expendables.” (We wonder if the movie had botox in the budget.) Regardless, for 63, Sly deserves credit for looking better than most.
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….another american who “LOST HIS WAY”, folks.
I reckognise features of “DROOPY” here……
Janet said Sly “looks better than most”. True. Better than most cadavers but not as good as a Madame Traussaud (sp?) mannequin.
i hope his Mom doesn’t give him the name of her surgeon! Have you seen her lately? Good lord…
no……he looks scary to me…..leave it alone Stallone!
He looks scary! People are going overboard on plastic surgery. What happened to growing old gracefully?
Strong hands that surgeon. He pulled up and back too hard like in the movie Brazil.
In a few years, Sly will be in the old folks home for actors, rocking back and forth and reminiscing about the good old “Rocky” days. Meanwhile, his still young wife will be spending his money, repaying him for cheating on her with 2 actresses during their engagement period. Oh yes, time doth march on.
Botox and if you look at his hair line he’s had some bad hair transplant grafts done.
Yikes! He looks like Satan!!!!
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