If you’re wondering why Tom Cruise flew off the handle about those offhand comments (refresh your memory below) that Dr Drew Pinsky made in Playboy about Tom, you only need to look at Tom’s history. The last time Tom lost it was when Matt Lauer brought up the subject of psychology. Tom roared “I KNOW MORE ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY THAN YOU DO!” Remember, Tom has a high school education. Dr Drew is not only a medical doctor and a professor of psychiatry at USC, but medical director of the psychiatric facility at Las Encinas Hospital in Pasadena. Psychiatrists (and probably most educated people) are the arch – enemies of Scientology. Tom’s insulting over the top response to the Playboy mention is intended to belittle Dr Drew. Imagine, comparing Dr Drew to a Nazi!
We have to give Dr Drew credit – although he was clearly insulted by Cruise’s grammatically challenged comeback, he simply apologized in a civilized manner and said he meant no harm. Meanwhile, Tom Cruise has lost even MORE credibility.
Dr Drew to Playboy: “A lot of people in the public eye who behave strangely have mental illness we can learn from, and much of it is based on childhood trauma, without a doubt. Take a guy like Tom Cruise. Why would somebody be drawn into a cultish kind of environment like Scientology? To me, that’s a function of a very deep emptiness and suggests serious neglect in childhood – maybe some abuse, but mostly neglect.”
Tom’s retort through his lawyer Bert Fields: “This unqualified television performer who is obviously just looking for notoriety is so grotesquely unprofessional as to pretend to diagnose Tom and others without ever meeting them. He seems to be spewing the absurdity that all Scientologists are mentally ill. The last time we heard garbage like this was from Joseph Goebbels.”

About The Author


  1. Tom Cruise is such an ignorant, uneducated MORON. I’m so glad his box office charm has almost completely disappeared.

  2. Stick to your sinking career Tom…u canot complete with a Dr. on any level.

  3. I think Dr. Drew was totally out of line. It was not his place to throw out a personal attack against Tom. Tom had every right to respond. He doesnt even know who Dr. Drew is and all of a sudden this guy is criticizing him public. That was not very professional. I actually like Dr. D and think Tom is fanatical BUT he had every right to defend himself.

  4. I want to know when Tom got his medical degree. In between movie flops? He’s an f’n flake. Although I do not know him personally (and do not wish to), his actions and words have proven him to be so. There are millions of people who suffer from depression who are beneitting greatly from antidepressants, including my little sister. He’s full of s**t if he says there’s no such thing as a chemical imbalance. The ones who suffer from that should all stampede him. I’ll bet he’d change his tune then!

  5. Dr. Drew: calm, cool, collected, and tall.
    Tom Cruise: opposite of all the above.

  6. Dr. Drew did exactly what Tom did to Brooke Shields. Now Tom knows how it feels for someone to use him as an example in a negative light to further their cause. BOTH were wrong and BOTH apologized.

  7. celebs love Faux religions, cause they are mental to beging with, I find their craziness more entertaining than their so called “art”

  8. Dr. Drew should not have apologized, he is a classy guy and intelligent guy, Tom not so much, just a meltdown away pass the popcorn.

  9. Dr. Drew Googled Scientology and read the many articles on this demonic cult. Cruise-control is super-mad because he has exposed it to the light. How can celebs be so dumb to join a cult that believes they came from a planet and that they need auditing sessions to rid themselves of past bad experiences, all the while paying big bucks to join. I hope tiny Tom gets so mad he busts a blood vessel.

  10. This tommy cruise is THE BRAINWASHER in person.
    ……..”ASK KATIE”!!

  11. Tom Cruise is an excellent performer, seems to be a good dad and husband so why is he such a threat to anyone? I bet if all the belittlers looked at their own life, there is some stuff the paparazzi would have a ball with…..loyal Tom fan.

  12. callisto, I would not characterize Drew Pinksy’s comments as a personal attack against Tom Cruise.
    It was an observation, one that sound accurate because I recall reading Tom Cruise had issues with his father when he was growing up.
    WHY is it necessary for Tom Cruise to counter EVERY SINGLE COMMENT MADE ABOUT HIM?
    One would think a celebrity like Tom Cruise would have a thicker skin after decades of stardom!

  13. Dr. Drew is about as qualified to diagnose someone he has never met as Dr. Phil is. Scientology is no more wacky and brainwashing than some of the mainstream religions with their magic trick wielding messiahs.

  14. Why is Tom Cruise the most thin-skinnned megalomaniac in Hollywood? He should cease being the scilon bully that he’s been ‘instructed’ to be, grow up and get a REAL set of balls while thickening up. In my opinion, Drew’s words hit things spot on.
    BTW, can Cruise-Missle-Head afford to not swallow his shallow pride considering the scientology-dictated ‘Condition’ of EMERGENCY he’s in??!!
    Go ahead, Tom, take whatever ‘pride’ you have left and dig your own grave bigger and deeper! Without any help from any one else, you’ll fall in. You’re your own worst enemy!

  15. Amen, Mikeyman!!! Dr. Drew was merely commenting, and Tom goes off! Then Tom-through a lawyer-spews back all kinds of mean low blow personal attacks on Dr. Drew. Dr. Drew just took the high road and apologized cause he knows you can’t argue with CRAZY. I urge everyone to totally boycott anything Tom. He’s made enough money to live the high life forever. Let’s make sure his career completely disappears.

  16. “that Dr Drew Pinsky made in Playboy’
    Playboy that sexist magazine
    against women..
    Dr my ass………..

  17. Dr. Drew is everything that frightens the Scientolotards. He’s educated, intelligent, articualate and correct in his diagnosis of Tiny Tom. Cruise is finding it increasingly difficult to appear to be normal. The mask is falling off and the world is seeing him for what he is-an angry closeted queen who has been duped by the most powerhungry, murderous cult around. Scientology hates psychiatry because psychiatry makes sick people better and Scientology makes sick people poor. Let Tiny Tom and his army of Scieno lawyers keep yapping. Ironically, Tom, the “Jesus” of Scientology, may prove the undoing of this evil cult. At least then his ridiculous life will have meant something. In the meantime, I will not see any movie starring any Scientologist, nor will I see any movie put out by Cruise’s studio.

  18. Sorry, Janet. I’m with Tom on this one. How completely irresponsible and arrogant is it of Dr. Drew to presume to diagnosis anybody without being their physician?

  19. Let’s face it. Scientology was founded by a guy who was certifiably (hearing voices, hallucinating, self- and others harming) insane. so what does crazy LRH do after being strapped to a board with a dowel in his mouth while thousands of watts of electricity course through him one too many times? He founds a religion crazier than he was. Tom Cruise sees himself as LRH’s desciple. Then poor Dr. Drew steps in and points out the emperor is wearing no clothes although he should be wearing a strait-jacket. Perhaps Dr. Drew was out of line, but good ol’ Tom and his henchman Bert Fields just HAD to step in and do the reference to Goebbels, which just proved, once again, who the truly crazy parties were. You just gotta laugh. I mean throw-your-head-back-and-cackle-manaically laugh. HI-larious.

  20. Of all the false cults, (and there are many), Scientology is the worst. It is worth untold billion$ and 95% of their money is made off of celebs. The dumb idiots keep pouring $$ into SCI, a demonic cult that will ultimately send their soul to hell unless they get out. I can’t stand the short self-important SCI-master Cruise and all he has done to promote this lie. I feel for Katie and their kids, I don’t care how much money and mansions they have.

  21. Most people just do not understand how horrible Scientology is. I walked outside the Scientology Center in Clearwater, Florida last year just to look at it. So around the corner comes about 50 people (ages looked to be between 20-30) and all were marching looking like zombies, eyes staring straight ahead and marched in the main door. I got the chills even though it was 95 degrees. Then a big goon came out and stared us down until we left. This is a true story.

  22. Dr. Drew is a fantastic educated man who thinks clearly. Tom is a high school dropout who is a total loser, he will never be happy even with a hundred loony cults behind him.

  23. Cruise is a tool with a massive ego starting to realize his career is over and losing it, he will for sure end up in a mental ward suffering from “EXHAUSTION”

  24. Cruise’s adopted kids, Isabella and Conner have been indoctrinated into SCI for a long time. I’m sure Suri has even been taking baby lessons in it. These three had to do what they were told. I feel a little sorry for Katie, because I don’t think she knew how she would be forced to join and bow to him. She was looking to his fame and fortune, but now may be getting tired of his controlling ways, as she was brought up Catholic, and SCI and Catholic clash.
    Dr. Drew was right, and if terrible Tom could, he would shut Drew’s mouth any way he could for bad-mouthing Scientology.

  25. Janet–Any info on Tom’s childhood? I think Dr. Drew’s observations could well be true, but I’ve never heard much about TC’s background/upbringing. He must have a few childhood acquaintances who’d be willing to talk to you or the cash-wielding tabloids…

  26. Dr. Drew rocks!
    Tom Cruise’s career is SO OVER, and it’s his own fault.
    There was a day when people liked Tom Cruise, but that day is over.
    Give us more Dr. Drew!

  27. I think Dr. Drew was clearly out of line. Don’t get me wrong, Dr. Drew is educated but I still would have been pissed had he directed those remarks to me. He obviously doesn’t know Tom Cruise’s background well enough to insinuate this comment.

  28. I think Dr. Drew was clearly out of line. Don’t get me wrong, Dr. Drew is educated but I still would have been pissed had he directed those remarks to me. He obviously doesn’t know Tom Cruise’s background well enough to insinuate this comment.

  29. Note to Kait, FYI
    Andrew Morton wrote an UNauthorized biography on TC. Apparently, according to the childhood sources, he had a difficult relationship with dear ol’ dad and grew up in a female dominant family with a hard working mom. The guy was a mamma’s boy. His sisters would defend their weasel brother to the death. And YES–he had issues, much like dad. TC was also the bully loud mouth migitt that he is now. Nothing’s changed except money and fame has amplified his a***** factor. The guy’s got nuts in his head rather than between his legs where they should be.


  31. .
    Previous comment: WHY is it necessary for Tom Cruise to counter EVERY SINGLE COMMENT MADE ABOUT HIM?
    This is scientology 101. Attack attack attack. Sue Sue Sue.
    Google scientology and lawsuit for fun reading.
    Keep up the good work Janet! These fools cannot withstand the light of day.

  32. In case anybody forgets, Scientology’s tax-exempt status as a “church” costs American taxpayers millions and millions of dollars each year. At the bottom of all the alien nonsense, the audit (taping your confessions for blackmail later) sessions, etc., is a huge tax dodge. All the money the top Scienos give to the COS is untaxed and undoubtedly goes back to them, along with every dollar they can squeeze out of the poor low-level scieno-slaves. It’s a scam. LRon was crazy, but he wasn’t stupid.

  33. Last time I checked we still have free speech and Dr. Drew is entitled to his opinion.

  34. Catholicism is the apostate church, the great whore of Babylon.

  35. john hagee ministries: Indeed Catholicism is the apostate church and is the great whore of Babylon. The anti-christ will come from the city of 7 hills, which is Rome.

  36. I think the short one should be declared legally insane, and I think he has been for a long time. None of his movies ever lasted long, and he is a stupid pompous ass. Go Dr. Drew !!

  37. In the old days, Dr. Drew’s response would have been considered out of line. But nowadays, when we have these nut case movie stars making claims like Cruise did on national TV, they need busted–just as publicly. Dr. Drew did a difficult thing in a professional manner.

  38. because he is as described by dr. drew. unfortunately many in show business are a sandwich short of a picnic which was 1 reason in the past it was almost impossible for them to legally adopt… i.e. allegedly joan crawford , june allyson and others

  39. hey tommygirl how does it feel?
    brooke didn’t have her lawyers respond to you, oh wait she’s clearly sane… ROTFLMAO



  42. I have family members in the $cientology cult! I’m glad to see someone stand up to the sick nonsence that this VERY DESTRUCTIVE cult causes. Dr. Drew, YOU have my greatest support and I APPLAUD you for your outspoken COURAGE to speak again the meglamanical, Tom Cruise!

  43. Didn’t Tom drop out of H.S.?
    Didn’t he admit to his father abusing him as a child?
    #1 idiot, T.Cruise.
    #2 idiot, Katie Holmes.

  44. I hope this nails the terrible tiny one. Dr. Drew, you are my hero. Please keep speaking out about this unspeakably evil, devil-inspired cult. Cruise is possessed; just look at his contorted face and listen to his demonic laugh. Katie, you should have listened to your parents and run run run. Nicole needs to get her 2 kids, but they have been forced into SCI for years, so it may be too late.

  45. 9:57 PM, Anonymous. You have my sympathy that you have family members in Scientology. Maybe you can persuade them to google SCI and also read these comments. Praying for you.

  46. Tick tock, tiny Tom. Your time as a big star is almost up. Your career is screeching to a halt. Your Nazi movie is a flop the studio heads are afraid to release. Your cult is being exposed more every day. Your brainwashed drugged up “wife” is close to the breaking point. You are now little more than a punchline. And the joke’s on you.

  47. tom cruise is a public figure and signed on for this. Drew stated his point responsibly using little tc as a publically known example. drew lives his life as a teacher and physican. tom lives his as an actor and poser. Tom has learning disabiliites and he has publically stated that. he just keeps missing the mark. i am glad he found something that makes him feel safe and noble. but his condescending attitude to he belief of others is really annoying. nuff said

  48. tom cruise is a public figure and signed on for this. Drew stated his point responsibly using little tc as a publically known example. drew lives his life as a teacher and physican. tom lives his as an actor and poser. Tom has learning disabiliites and he has publically stated that. he just keeps missing the mark. i am glad he found something that makes him feel safe and noble. but his condescending attitude to he belief of others is really annoying. nuff said

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