Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Whitney Houston hit some parties on Grammy weekend – here she is leaving Russell Simmons’ soiree in Beverly Hills. She was rummaging in her handbag for her lipstick, which she found right next to her bottle of pills. Why does she take prescription pills in her evening bag to a party? Just asking.
Who is this Lady? Some 80’s celeb?
I hear she still has siezures and a bad sinus condition.
She has memory, lung, heart, sinus and throat injury from her prolonged drug life hon..
great looking wig. if you’re into wigs.
Did she seem a little high when she was on the Grammy’s Sunday night? She only introduced an act (can’t remember who), but she didn’t seem quite right. (At least to me.) I’d like to hear what others think.
Jesus, Janet & Joseph! Given her history of abuse, Whitney Houston’s the LAST person on earth I’d defend but I can think of a dozen legitimate conditions that would necessitate “carrying prescription meds in an evening bag.”
I have to carry prescription meds at all times for a chronic GERD condition… especially if I’m going to eat.
I think you’re out of line on this one, Janet.
Good example of why Black women are usually portrayed as whores or crackheads in movies! Think about it.
She is still hooked on drugs and probably on the lowlife, druggie partner-in-crime Bobby Brown. Over the years, drugs have definitely fried her brain.
she does look high………and btw she didn’t sound all that great singing at Clive’s party contrary to some media outlets reports. I love Whitney and hope for the best but I don’t believe in enablers.
Unless you want a car accident, folks?
Speculation is a dangerous thing. I, like Helena Handbasket, must carry a prescription drug at all times. Never leave home without it. Yes, she has a strong drug history, but we don’t know what that label says.