Lindsay Lohan is making the most of her last days of freedom before reporting for rehab. She and her wealthy Saudi Arabian friend Mohammed Al Turki attended a Broadway performance of Orphans, although they arrived late and missed the first 45 minutes. Linds trotted her middle-eastern moneyman (he’s an up and coming producer) backstage to say hello to the show’s star Alec Baldwin. They all posed for a photo and if Alec’s face is any indication, he’s highly amused by the scene. Lohan is in dire straits financially, and she found one more wealthy guy who wants to be part of the “Hollywood scene” – another match made in heaven.
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45 minutes late for the theatre? What an insult! Only LL would have the nerve to show her face backstage under those circumstances. The show is 1 hour and 35 minutes, plus a 15 minute intermission (I checked the playbill). 45 minutes is pretty much half the play. I wonder if she tried to get them to rewind?!
I’m surprised Lindsay didn’t insist on them holding up the play until she arrived.
Is Lindsay now a prostitute?
Nothing about the Goopster being the Most Beautiful Woman in the World?
She is looking older than her mother. How old is Lindsay?
I’m glad she isn’t my daughter!!
He dated Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton and now Lindsay his standards have dropped I’m surprised Richard Gere or Zac Efron aren’t giving him advise since they all worked with him …
Alec has the wrong name. He really should have been named Dick.
Why, now Mama, whatever do you mean by that? I wear that name proudly and I come from a long line of “Dicks”.
HA HA! Alec is a big giant DICK! thanks for the laugh Mama!
He’s definitely thinking “the shit I do for money”.
When Gerard Depardieu looks better and healthier than Lindsay Lohan, you know that’s some shit.
Many stars are here brightening………