There’s one place that Johnny Depp’s almost-wife Vanessa Paradis nearly ALWAYS visits when she’s in Los Angeles. It’s not a fancy clothing store – it’s a PARTY store! Apparently she and Johnny and their kids Lily-Rose, 11, and Jack, 8, go all out for the holidays. Vanessa loves the old fashioned Vine-American Party Store that’s been in Hollywood since 1934. She stocks up on all the holiday, birthday, and party decorations, balloons, favors, pinatas, not to mention magic tricks, disguises, and costumes. It’s a fun-loving family. (Above, at Disneyland)
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I guess seeing is believing, but Oh Wow wha-happened?
Love the Depp-Paradis’s – they are proof that real class is not a thing of the past.
Nice to hear that at least someone in Hollyweird is a hands-on mom. And it’s refreshing to see how low key they are.
I don’t recall ever seeing her hair looking good, but maybe it just doesn’t matter to her. The little blonde girl is going to be a real looker tho, isn’t she? I’ll bet she has an automatic “in” soon.
Johnny is a stand up guy not an egotistical ahole like so many in Hollywood, that’s probably why he doesn’t live there. The party store sounds like fun, I bet they don’t have those kind of stores in France.
And what nice looking kids!
THEY are so lucky to live on a secluded island of family and love..
Man, she is unattractive!
She’s nasty! Guess Johnny’s not superficial. Lily-Rose however is gorgous…going to have to keep the boys away!
Vanessa Paradis is beautiful. Google some pics of her when she’s performing or past photo shoots. She’s gorgeous! The pic above is a very unflattering shot of her. So sorry she doesn’t succumb to the usual plastic surgeries, botox, and contrived Hollywood Barbie looks. In France, people embrace the natural process of ageing.
She is prettier than this picture shows, and their kids – wow, they are gorgeous! The family lives in France, yes, they own an island, but its not their main residence. They have a home in LA as well. But they live in France where the locals leave them alone and you don’t see them in the tabloids all the time. Je’taime…
There’s nothing wrong with the way she looks, that’s what a 40 year old woman looks like with no makeup, airbrushing or plastic surgery. No one really looks like Demi Moore, she had half a million dollars in plastic surgery.
yeah, open any magazine. The beautiful girl in the Chanel ads ? It’s her. In this pic, she looks like any normal Mom AND this is an unflattering picture of her.
Sad that neither child looks like Johnny though !