Just when we thought we had seen the last of Heath Ledger, a new piece of his creative work has emerged. Not long before he died in 2008, he designed and filmed a video for his longtime friend N’FA, a rapper who lives in London. Heath really loved the haunting song and wanted to create visuals to enhance the experience. He and his buddy literally did the whole thing in his garage. The song “Cause an Effect” will be on the rapper’s upcoming CD.
Heath Ledger Video
I tried, I really did, but I could only take 2:15 of it. Same timing as all the rap “songs” and not too impressed with the so-called “lyrics” (is that what they call them?)…
I didn’t see anything Heath Ledger in this, too bad, it would’ve been nice. Interesting visuals tho, just nothing special all the way around.
BEING DEAD is still…………DEAD, folks!!!!!
Didn’t like any of his films, incredibly overrated and didn’t deserve the Oscar for the dreadful Joker film.