Photo Credit: Splash News
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are happily in the process of moving into their new Manhattan apartment. Whether Justin’s mom likes it or not, they’ve settled comfortably into “coupledom.”
That’s nice, but we DO have to take exception to the fact that GQ named Timberlake number ONE on their list of “The Ten Most Stylish Men In America.” Judging by this red carpet disaster and Justin’s unfortunate collection of golf shirts and baseball caps, we think those GQ guys should get their eyes checked.
Here are their two imperfections: Justin has a less than perfect nose. Jessica is big-time buck-tooth. Both are sinning fornicators, per Bible
To quote Dan Aykroyd: Celeste, you ignorant slut! Does your bible tell you to make fun of other people? If so, what chapter and verse? I don’t believe in that book, but if you’re going to quote it then you should believe/follow it. You don’t get it both ways.
Jessica should have been named most stylish man instead. Leave the fuckin” bible out of this!
Timberlake is so over–with or without mommy. He certainly grew up to be one plain looking guy and his music sucks.
He cannot sing. Mostly he gets up close to the mike and makes spitting noises. He was here in my home town and I was shocked that is exactly what he did (like puh puh puh sounds). How in the name of *#*!*&^ did that ugly bum ever make it so big. And, regarding the first commenter, I agree that Jessica Biel is soooo buck-tooth it is pathetic. When she smiles you can see her very back teeth. Gaw, she is ugly. Hateful comments are sometimes the truth, even tho I agree that to write about imperfections is rather mean. I believe living together is not what Jesus would approve, but I say to Celeste: To each his own, and let them be judged, when that day comes.
Hilda of 5:01 PM: First statement is true. Second statement is a very dangerous thing to say. Very dangerous, very very dangerous. Take it back.
This is what whores do; they find someone with money and shack up. And someone said she is rather toothy. That is correct. Google her pictures and see if your eyes are not drawn to her teeth. Gadzooks, the truth is the truth, she ain’t pretty and nice girls don’t shack up. Sorry. Also someone said his music sucks..this also is the truth; he just had balls and bulled himself ahead in this biz and made it; now he doesn’t really have to sing, as he has acquired million$.
Justin is a well-known faggot-enabler. So I guess one of his faggot friends loaned him this faggot-looking jacket. Now I know why he is going out with Jessica. She is the closest thing to looking like a man (next to Jada Pinkett Smith). lol
Laughing really hard, my sides are splitting. All you guys are sharp. lololololol
What do their mothers say? I know Justin is a total mama’s boy, and I have heard say she thinks Jessica is a gold-digger and she doesn’t especially like her. A died-in-the-wool mama’s boy hardly ever changes. Trouble’s a’coming. tee hee hee.
Haven’t checked in with Janet for maybe a year. And I have to say the comments on Justin and Jess are WOWIE WOW WOW WOW !. My thoughts: We are all human and have human faults, physical and otherwise, even so-called stars like these two. Secondly, I think it is really trashy to live together…either get married or just be friends and maintain separate houses. my opinions only. Peace.
^ Janet you should get your facts straight they didn’t move into together,and no she doesn’t like her. Also there ar emany rumors that this relationship is a showmance anyway.
So Jessica wants to play house, well she’s gonna have to learn how to sew, and to make sure that her man doesn’t walk around wearing his kid brother’s jacket.
WELL, the most “SMELLY” one indeed, folks!!
The pipsqueak’s balls have yet to drop. I am convinced Jessica Biel is a transgendered Man. He/She is more masculine than Pippy himself.
This Timberlake is the most overrated no talent nothing I’ve ever seen in my life.
I still say “Leave the fuckin’ bible out of it”.
I can’t understand how anyone can find Justin Timberlake to be best dressed, handsome, or even remotely talented. Who listens to his so-called music? What drivel. I don’t know anything about Jessica Biel and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her movies. She doesn’t appear very well put together or attractive. Maybe this means they’re meant for each other.
I can’t stand Justin at all, and for GQ to consider him the most stylist I believe either Justin paid them for this or GQ is totally blind to think he is even stylist.
How old are you people and what planet are you from??? You can get more up to date info from than(and thats not saying much)you can get here at this site…especially after reading these comments,Its apparent this site must be for the 50 and up senior citizens with no idea of whats hot and whats not!! helloooooo!! If you need help visit At least visit DListed Or Perez they can teach you what your kids find HOT
Will someone please explain to me why guys think those retarded stocking caps are the least bit attractive outside of what they’re meant to be worn for? Justin’s no prize looks-wise, but that stocking cap with a nice suit really shows his crappy taste.
All I know is that I do have ears. I have listened to him ‘sing’ and it sucked big time. If he were on American Idol now as an unknown, I think he would be thrown out quick. Btw, the second pic of J.T. flatters him immensely. He is not the least bit cute or handsome. And did someone steal Jessica’s make-up case, because she is double fugly with makeup or without. If one considers her pretty, then I am Miss Universe. Also, they ARE moving in together and buying their love shack together, altho he of course is the big $$ one.
Oh Lord, please forgive the comment of the one a few comments above. Thou knowest which one, and forgive her ignorance of Thy True Word.
Jessica is in constant terror of losing him. That’s the way he likes it. I guess Cameron Diaz was too headstrong for Mr. Wonderful. So, Jessica why didn’t you get braces when you were young…maybe it’s not too late? I personally wouldn’t have the talentless stuck up Mr. JT.
Were did you hear that Justin mom doesn’t like Jessica and them breaking up
I know Justin did buy an apartment in NYC sometime in Sept or October but I don,t think Justin is going to move to NYC it’s just a place he could go to while he is there instead of staying in a hotel
Jessica comes across as a user and insecure person
there are a few more photos from that day and one of them shows Justin looking annoyed at Jessica even his body guard looked at her the same way