When we heard that Tom Cruise was planning a big two part appearance on Oprah’s show again – we didn’t believe for a minute the flimsy excuse for the event. Supposedly it’s to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the release of Tom’s movie “Risky Business.” As if anyone cares about that! We think the truth is that Tom is furious with Oprah for getting on the Eckhart Tolle bandwagon and promoting his book “A New Earth.” Tom reasons “Why isn’t she promoting L Ron Hubbard’s self improvement book “Dianetics?” After seeing what Oprah has done for Tolle’s popularity, Tom is scheming to introduce Oprah to Scientology in a positive way. Recruiting Oprah would be a like catching the biggest fish of all time. Oprah makes the Beckhams look like small potatoes. We don’t think she’ll bite, do you?

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  1. Yay, Psychic Janet is back in business, telling us what celebrities are thinking.

  2. Hopefully, this time Tiny Tom will put the final nail in the coffin of his career. He’s nothing but a joke. And his cult is a dangerous tax dodge. Oprah should stay as far away from them as possible, or she could end up another mysterious Scieno “suicide.”

  3. Hopefully, this time Tiny Tom will put the final nail in the coffin of his career. He’s nothing but a joke. And his cult is a dangerous tax dodge. Oprah should stay as far away from them as possible, or she could end up another mysterious Scieno “suicide.”

  4. I honestly think that if Oprah felt Scientology would expand her power beyond the quivering and wide-eyed middle aged women in her audience, she would embrace Scientology immediately. For now, Oprah-the-control-freak would never join a group rumoured to have power over its initiates. Honestly? I think Oprah’s more dangerous than Scientology.

  5. Oprah is already depraved…look up “The Gospel According to Oprah”. She is heavily into the New Age Movement, which basically denies that faith in Christ is the only way to heaven. If she can mesh the false cult of Scientology into her self-promoting New Age agenda, she may very well fall for Tiny Timmy’s schemes.

  6. I am rather surprised at the great and mighty O inviting Tom to come back. Reports are that he did not invite her to his and Katie’s huge wedding and Oprah was upset about it.

  7. Oh hecj yeah. Narcissits like Oprah fall fast for scientology. They know just how -Oh yes this would be my fear. Scientologist love to get the major narcisstic hollywood stars. They have a formula. And she is a supreme narcissit I mean she doesn’t want god to be bigger than her. I mean there is something so wrong about it.

  8. In Christian Theology, the Antichrist or anti-Christ means a person, office, or group recognized as fulfilling the Biblical prophecies about one who will oppose Christ and substitute himself in Christ’s place.
    Wake up little sheep wake up

  9. It’s all self-serving. She wants the ratings (it’s May remember?) and he wants the exposure. Frankly, I’m surprised he’s not going on with Dr. Phil!

  10. Apparently Oprah’s weight loss and gain and loss and gain has s**ewed up her mind. She is on YouTube several times, spouting New Ageism. She will lead many of her ardent followers down the hell path of destruction. The Anti-Christ will appear soon, as Jesus predicted. Jesus said that right before he returns, many will follow false cults and false gods. All of Oprah’s money and the idiot SCI Tom Cruise’s money will not save their souls. Read Revelation, Chapt. 13.

  11. I do believe Oprah is AC/DC…Gayle King and Stedman Graham. And when she endorsed Barack Hussein Obama, that was it; I can’t stand her. Listen, you don’t have a middle name like Hussein unless you are a Muslim. He will never admit it, but he is a member of the Nation of Islam. Islam caused 9/11 and the Iraq war. Oprah sucks; she will do anything to promote herself.

  12. They’re both rich freaks. I don’t watch her and don’t buy tickets to his movies.
    So, in other words – I could care less.

  13. What would Cruise give to snag Oprah into Scientology? What would fatty give to weigh about 130 pounds instead of 230 pounds? Answer: $millions and $millions.

  14. Oprah and Cruise were sent to Earth by the Devil to recruit new followers. If you watch Oprah’s upcoming show featuring The Gay Midget Dwarf you will burn in hell for all eternity with them.



  17. Katie has finally realized what a control-freak Tommy boy is. All he cares about is getting Oprah to promote L. Ron Hubbard’s occult books on Scientology. If he accomplishes this, he will be the biggest fish in the ocean of Sci…..and the biggest fool. A fool and a washed up actor, whose movies very few care to see.

  18. I doubt Oprah will get into Scientology. She’s smarter than that! If she does, I will definitely stop watching her show and cancel my subscription to her magazine.

  19. Before Oprah even considers the Cult of Scientology, I hope she researches their practices of “fair game” and “disconnection”. For someone who is supposedly so philanthropic, she would be giving millions of dollars to an abusive, extorting cult that expoits its members that AREN’T celebrities! Don’t be an idiot, Oprah!

  20. Oprah a Scientologist? Pretty much the last Horseman of the Apocolypse. Good-night Mrs. Calabash wherever you are.

  21. Love Tom Cruise love to have another baby for him to add to his family but that is wishful thinking and yes you look great and cute and that smile and that body is banging but their is such thing as over kill and I think you better stick to the movies and if you want to do a talk show..It is your life and do what you have never done and that is another direction in your life and some people may follow and but to do what Oprah does take massive amount of time!!! The world loves you.

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