If we never see another embarrassed wife standing beside her disgraced husband at a press conference, we’ll be happy at last. Men in public office who indulge in illegal or immoral activities like NY Governor Eliot Spitzer should stand alone to defend their appalling behavior. If YOU discovered your husband was paying for kinky sex with $5000 hookers, would you really be SUPPORTIVE? Maybe tolerant, maybe even forgiving, – but SUPPORTIVE? No Way. We don’t believe for a minute that Silda Spitzer was present at the press conference by her own free will. SHE was the one everyone was staring at and pitying. (And since when is it a “private matter” as Spitzer called it, when a governor is linked to a prostitution ring?) We still haven’t forgiven Hillary Clinton for first insisting her husband Bill was innocent of fooling around with Monica Lewinsky. When the factual evidence made him a liar she was “supportive.” We don’t take lying lightly and we dislike the precedent Hillary seems to have started.

About The Author


  1. It is just sex people! Judging by the content of some of the comments, alot of you people need a lot more of it!

  2. We don’t know what kind of relationship the Spitzers had – remember, he was born rich, and got richer later. She wasn’t born to wealth, but she did well in her career and became wealthy after she got married. It’s very possible that this couple had an “arrangement” where they loved and cared about each other to some degree, but he was on his way to the top of the political heap (eventual White House run) and she would have been the quintessential “candidate’s wife and perfect mother.” In exchange, she’d put up with his dalliances – AS LONG AS THEY WERE KEPT SECRET. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, the political aspirations are dashed, and they are all humiliated by the scandal. Remember, this is my opinion and speculation that I feel is not far-fetched, as there are many women willing to endure lots for the sake of being by the side of a man with power and/or money, as long as the things they are putting up with in the dark do not come into the light.

  3. Oh, and by the way, Hillary is also rumoured to have cheated with Vince Foster, who was later found dead in a park. That’s how cuckolded husbands react, not by standing meekly by their cheating wives’ sides with sad faces.

  4. I am far more concerned with the precedence Hillary is currently setting rather than those of the past.
    I am so disgusted, ashamed and embarrassed.
    I cannot believe I spent 15 years admiring and defending the Clintons.

  5. @4:48 PM
    Vince Foster was Bill’s oldest friend. If Hillary HAD been involved with Foster, it’s more likely that Bill would have been happy she was “gettin’ some.”

  6. @kellygrrrl:
    I’m with you all the way; when it comes to Bill and Hillary, many of us were only seeing a small part of what they really were about.
    Or …
    Having been the target of some of the most vicious political and personal attacks in history — the Clinton’s — having survived, know all too well how to use those same tactics against ANYONE who dares stand in their way.
    Whatever the truth, it’s beyond disappointing to see two such gifted people revealed to be so unworthy of the public’s trust.

  7. All
    this grief
    had just
    take it
    in the

  8. Silda was too busy with the bagels and shopping to take it up anywhere. Elliott looks like a fool for boning this dummb Jersey whore though! Was she a jew too?

  9. To anti-Semitic Lulu, (March 11. 8:57 p.m. )- Silda is Baptist, not Jewish. She’s the prooduct of a small town in North Carolina.

  10. The hooker is so young, 22! That’s what he was paying for. She could be one of his daughters which is what I find the most perverted and disgusting. The hooker is gross too. She’s old enough to know what she’s doing.

  11. If I found out my husband was shelling out money for hookers, I wouldn’t even be able to look at him, let alone hold his hand a “be supportive” of him. I don’t think I could do it and I wonder how these political wives can.

  12. Daniela, Your idea was right, but the quote was wrong. Ivana Trump said “Don’t get mad, get EVERYTHING”! Brilliant!

  13. T O T A L Y A G R E E!!! He should stand there alone, whether the wife forgives or not is another issue. We all have consequences for our own actions. SOOO tired of seeing the wife standing my her man with her eyes down, looking quilty as if she has done something wrong. She’s not showing her daughters that WE are responsble for our own actions. Let him stand there alone! We would have so much more respect for her!

  14. T O T A L Y A G R E E!!! He should stand there alone, whether the wife forgives or not is another issue. We all have consequences for our own actions. SOOO tired of seeing the wife standing my her man with her eyes down, looking quilty as if she has done something wrong. She’s not showing her daughters that WE are responsble for our own actions. Let him stand there alone! We would have so much more respect for her!

  15. Wow – why do so many people bash her? She didn’t do anything wrong – he did. And for 10 years.
    I certainly wouldn’t have shared the stage with that pervert, but I can’t judge her for how she acts in these early days.
    I hope she leaves him, but that’s up to her. It’s funny how all these people judge everyone. Wonder how’d they feel if it was their family member? Get a life people. You don’t know everything.

  16. the guys a idiot!!

  17. When your given such a horrific blow like she’s had your left kind of in a stupified foggy state for a while, not knowing what to do. I think that’s what’s going on with her and most of the wives that have had to go through that. We’ll see what she does in the future. If she stays with him then she deserves what she gets.

  18. For those of you who missed it you’ve got to check out “Separated at Birth” on Perez Hilton. It’s Spitzer and Gollum (The evil one). They look identical. Hilarious!

  19. Yids always cheat on their wifes, the wife is too focused on money and power and not keeping him at home.

  20. Eliot Spitzer is a piece of work. Sidebar I love this blog: keep up the good work, Janet!

  21. He is a sociopath so I am telling you now that his wife is a victim of domestic violence and feels like it is her fault. Intelligence has nothing to do with being a victim to these controlling vindictive narcissistic men. Wake up people and face the reality. If Eliot Spitzer is seen in public as a steamroller, who is difficult, then imagine what he saves for his wife behind closed doors. This woman is in serious trouble and even though she looks as though she has it all I will guarantee her self esteem is rock bottom. And you know who are women’s worst enemies? Other women. Throw stones at the real crimnal in all this. And to the naive posterws saying all it is is about sex, boy have you got some living and growing up to do…

  22. He is a sociopath so I am telling you now that his wife is a victim of domestic violence and feels like it is her fault because he would tell her it is. Intelligence has nothing to do with being a victim to these controlling vindictive narcissistic men. Wake up people and face the reality. If Eliot Spitzer is seen in public as a steamroller and a sociopath, then imagine what he saves for his wife and children behind closed doors. This woman is in serious trouble and even though she looks as though she has it all I will guarantee her self esteem is rock bottom. And you know who are women’s worst enemies? Other women. Throw stones at the real criminal in all this. And to the naive posters saying all it is is about sex, boy have you got some living and growing up to do…

  23. He’d be standing next to her if she had done the same thing, right?

  24. This woman just cheat..Because there is something lacking at home? Some people love to move and groove and rock and roll it in bed and some people are pure boring and will not try anything new and will enore your request and of course your going to be looked at as a weirdo and freak and sooner or later the cat has to come out of the cage? And sooner or later a woman has to get there freak on. After a while you start to Hunger for it and at the same time a woman is trying her best to end the relationship with there partner and..He wants to fix it and have you cover your freakness and weirdness and sooner or later the relationship..Becomes broken and it is to the point of no return. I think woman want there husband to find out and so that way they would give up on the relationship in hand.

  25. This woman just cheat..Because there is something lacking at home? Some people love to move and groove and rock and roll it in bed and some people are pure boring and will not try anything new and will enore your request and of course your going to be looked at as a weirdo and freak and sooner or later the cat has to come out of the cage? And sooner or later a woman has to get there freak on. After a while you start to Hunger for it and at the same time a woman is trying her best to end the relationship with there partner and..He wants to fix it and have you cover your freakness and weirdness and sooner or later the relationship..Becomes broken and it is to the point of no return. I think woman want there husband to find out and so that way they would give up on the relationship in hand.

  26. Casonia Sade Logenberry..Hells kitchen is pure Hell...! Have the Fat People Drop some weight yet..is there any one slimming down? says:

    People always turn a blind eye to cheater but it is wrong on so many levels..What if they gave you Aids or Herps or other diseases would it be a different story and why do woman stay with cheaters is the sex that good? Or they think they can’t get another man..Sorry to stay because of the children and that is pathic and sicking to do that..all your teaching your children that it is okay to cheat and that the woman or girl are going to grow up and take what your mother take and remember ladies you are the role models and your kids are going to do what you do and your teaching your sons to do that to the mother of there children down the road..Have faith and leave that man..He is not the only good lover in the world and protect your health and so you can live to be a grandmother.

  27. Casonia of Seattle is only trying to get the attention of Hells kitchen and not on here to fight with you people...Meaning enore me and stop talking to me Kitty or I am going to hurt your feelings says:


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