ANOTHER reason not to watch “The Bachelor.” The trusting audience always hopes that a real romance will be ignited on the show and the special couple will marry and live happily ever after. But they never DO! By the time the finale airs the “engaged” couple has already split and started dating others. (Ben Flajnic was seen snuggled up with several girls this weekend) Even if the players were sincere (and most of them are looking for fame, NOT love!) they’re not going to find a perfect match on reality TV. THAT’S why Bachelor Ben and Courtney Robertson are already leading separate lives.

About The Author


  1. And even if anyone found a match, it’s an American Reality Show ™ so it has a formula; and as far as I can tell the trend is to prefer to script and formularize over any actual “reality” being allowed to happen.

  2. PS: that was supposed to be a sarcastic “tm” but apparently if you write left-parenthesis, TM, right-parenthesis it turns into the symbol (haha, live and learn).

  3. Somebody give the poor boy a comb and show him how to use it.

  4. Someone needs to do a style makeover on this loser. He is just a creep and totally deserves this woman.

  5. I can’t believe people are still watching this show after all these years.

  6. Neither can I Natalie. All the wine produced by his vineyard wouldn’t make this guy attractive.

  7. Only a fool watches that sh!t and believes it’s authentic. Fake fake fake. I mean, they were considering Tim Tebow, that closeted gay football moron. However, look to see him bearded up with Hwood’s go-to beard, Taylor Swift. Most of her Hwood bf’s are gay. She is quite the busy little beard!

  8. The last time I saw this hair style was on Alfalfa on little rascals

  9. Diva, You are absolutely correct! Carl Dean “Alfalfa” Switzer !!!

    I was trying to think who he reminded me of!! Thank you!!! 🙂

  10. This hairstyle is called The Bowl Cut, you put a bowl on your head and cut the hair around it, and then you shake your head. No comb Needed unless he was born in The Year of the Rooster.
    @Walt Cliff and Denise,
    Save Me, I’m Melting!!

  11. “Save Me, I’m Melting!!”


    Climb down from the beer kegs Leo. You know we don’t usually start “drunkin it up” until we have all had at least one pickled boiled eggs and a handful of pickled sausage.!!! (only teasing!) lol

  12. Ben sure got a “bad” nose job! I’m realy noticing lots of chopped schnauzes that look so cut rate. Even the “celebrities” that just get thier nose chililed a tad at a time end up with the same look! Always the old “a little more” And have you ever noticed all nose jobbers that admit to it will always say they had a deviated septum! HA HA HA

  13. @Walt Cliff,
    Laughing out loud!!
    Borrowing a line from The Lion King.
    “you’re killing me”!!

  14. Perhaps he cuts his hair with one those “Flowbies”.

  15. Denise, I had no idea that those Flowbees were still in existence. There’s still a website for them!! OMG!

  16. LOL Diva and Walt! He does remind me of Alfalfa. I quit watching The Bachelor a long time ago. You couldn’t pay me enough to go out with this d bag. I don’t understand why in the world they picked him to be the bachelor.


  18. OMG WTF with that HAIR – that is hilarious.

    LMFAO looks like a right dick head.

    And aside from the hair, just eww, eww, eww. what an egit

  19. kittie, a flowbe attaches to your vaacuum cleaner hose, the blade cuts your hair then the cut hair gets sucked into the vac!

  20. Thanks Libby…I do remember those being advertised but I never saw one in person. It does look like he cut his hair that way-and “styled” it too…lol

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