
Miley Cyrus has a very peculiar idea of what feminism is. She told Elle magazine that she wants equal rights with male rappers who grab their crotches and surround themselves with “hos.” No one blinks an eye when THEY are lewd. Miley gripes “If I do something like that – people say it’s degrading to women.” She hopes the situation will “evolve” and women can be as VULGAR onstage as men without criticism! Hey Miley- that’s not exactly what us longtime feminists had in mind. We want equal RIGHTS as men- we don’t necessarily want to behave like them!

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. If she didn’t have her daddy helping her, she’d be out back slopping the hogs. For the rest of her life.

  2. She is an uneducated idiot and those were my exact thoughts before I read the first two comments.

  3. …………….her skull is quite empty, and what’s there is ‘Dead Meat’.

  4. This slack jawed Hillbilly is unfortunately being controlled like a marionette by her Disney management.

  5. Miley Cyrus lacks the intelligence and the education to understand feminism.

    When her star fades, and that will happen very, very soon, it won’t be pretty.

  6. Miley is very talented!

    BUT, she, like so many other women think they can expose themselves and still be respected. She has progressed from sweet Disney star, but if she continues this way, she will not have a career much longer. She needs to cover up and focus on her considerable talent.

    I hope she will!

  7. i wish this one and bieber would spontaneously combust. on stage together.

  8. When I think of the world Los Angeles. I think of Miley Cyress. Why is that? Is LA a anything goes kind of place as compared to Nashville and the over weight country music musicians. Look at Toby Keith, buff said.

  9. Miley is a moron. Why should anyone be vulgar on stage? How about coming up with something intelligent and thought provoking on stage instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator? That would clearly require intelligence she doesn’t have. Go read a book you bonehead.

  10. Isn’t feminism inclusive of idiots? Take a look at the founders and come to a conclusion.

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