#beyonce #janetcharlton

What did Beyonce mean when she told UK Vogue that she calls herself a “modern day feminist?” We figure she meant that she’s happy enjoying the benefits resulting from the efforts of feminists who came before her- who weren’t afraid to speak out for women’s rights. It’s a shame that she isn’t enlightened enough to commit herself to the cause because she would be a splendid role model for young girls who don’t understand the continued need for feminists. Perhaps the stir her casual remark caused will push Beyonce to research the subject of feminism and reconsider her role.

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39 thoughts on “SHAME ON YOU, BEYONCE!

  1. This post isn’t really necessary; everyone knows beyonce is stupid. We’re beating a dead horse at this point. She’s dumb, she’s always going to be dumb. She can dance and show her snatch…next.

  2. Janet, and how have you been a “splendid” role model ?

    Sometimes your commentaries are quite salacious really, and obviously designed to provoke the addled minded like Strom or Sherry lynne, but at their centre, the statements themselves are frankly, pretty trivial.

  3. Alex P. right on the money dude. Janet should be trying to uplift other women, not constantly hate on them and verbally/literally abuse them every chance she gets.

    Being a semi-famous blogger that bullies on a daily basis, doesn’t not make you a “feminist”

  4. Thank you, Janet. I don’t know why women are so afraid of the word “feminist”.

  5. @abe,

    moronic comments like that – will get you banned, permanently.

  6. Well said Janet. The Gen X’s and Millenial young women are woefully ignorant about how different life was for their mothers and grandmothers and how much blood sweat & tears went into changing things for them. They need to get off their duffs and keep up the fight or things will backslide.

    Coco, also well said!

  7. Feminists are just fugly women who are angry because they can’t get a guy like me to look at them.

  8. She needs her hair style changed. Something along the lines of Mamie Eisenhower or Jane Hathaway from the Beverly Hill Billies.

    I am taking to my bed now, don’t feel guilty for having a good time and enjoying life, anyone. I must retire now, I feel faint. claret and valium are calling for me.

  9. Come on Janet, you are not one to talk about being a role model for young girls are you? Did spreading vile give you any right to define feminism? Honestly you aren’t even a mother. Keep dishing the hot – er lukewarm gossip and stop commenting on these non-relevant issues.

  10. She’s so full of her own shit! She is looking whiter all the time. Pretty soon she’ll be all white! Those stupid wigs she wears! There is nothing real about her & she has no talent.She has had some things done to her face & body. Big fake! Feminist movement my ass! Is she delusional?

  11. She may want to start by embracing her own identity as a black woman. What’s with the bleached skin and blonde hair?

  12. Kudos, MissEva! This chick is so fake SHE probably doesn’t even know her OWN self. She is in a sham marriage and had a fake pregnancy. How this chick has ANY relevancy at all is beyond me.

  13. Beyonce doesn’t even know what feminism is about. How has she suffered? Her father sacrafice his time, energy and money for her to be where she is right now.

    Webmaster how do you abritarly pick and choose whom to ban? You don’t make any sense and a hypocrite to boot.

  14. as I have said before….it makes my blood run cold to hear how women attack brutally women that are trying to make a change in our world. The way Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Hillary Clinton are abused is just awful. It’s not the men it is the women that tear them apart. Ok, you may not agree with some of them but we should help our sisters no matter what…where is that damn NOW when you need them? I quit them a long time ago. They don’t stick up for me.

  15. uh.. most women do not identify as feminist in any way so I fail to see what is objectionable about Beyonce’s statement!

    people ARE allowed to define themselves on their own terms!

    the comment posted above by “abe” is objectionable.

  16. She might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I rather like her. I also don’t understand what’s wrong with her remark.

    And how is she not a role model for young women? Do we see her staggering drunkenly down the street, getting arrested, speeding around town in a flashy car endangering other drivers, giving her middle finger to the paps, showing her underwear or lack thereof on a regular basis. No. We see her with her husband and child making a successful career for herself.

  17. She is trying so hard to be white….but can’t pull it off!

  18. Did Bey, or did she not, have a strap-on pillow pregnancy?

    Same with Kim K….pillow or real deal?

    Fakers, as we know, are very very clever and they have the $$$$ to be fakers. To heck with all of them.

  19. She reaps the profits of feminists’ sacrifices, yet really has no idea the impact they’ve had on her life. Most women do not identify as ‘feminist’, because they don’t know the meaning of the word. That doesn’t make it excusable, anonTWO. Being stupid is excusable, being ignorant is not.

  20. Kim K is definitely wear a pillow, her bump goes up and down every day, drastically.

  21. Americans elevated this half-witted uneducated Woman to superstar status . Now they can’t wait to tear her character apart.

  22. mindless anonymous mob hatred, from sad envious people, trailer trash and fat girls that smell of cATS !

    low class ugliness, ya you !

  23. Noblecascade I agree with you, however, a true feminist wouldn’t be prancing her butt around Cuba where women are considered chattel, and most citizens doesn’t have any rights and live in poverty. Her photo ops are so self-serving.

  24. Seems as though the so called 990p is an enabler of all things that are BLACK but want to be WHITE!

  25. I really hate the black women that elevate a hobo biatch like beyonce. This ho doesn’t like women like you, she wouldn’t spit on you if you were on fire. She hates back women so much she has literally altered her appearance to not resemble you one bit. So keep giving her your money while she laughs all the way to the bank and jigga ni**a coaching her all the way. Picking up where her daddy left off. He’s a horrible man for a horrible woman. If you don’t believe me google the videos of him punching women in the face as recently as a few years ago.

  26. Michelle Bachmann no good. Take lots of taxpayer dollars for many years for self interest. big phony.

  27. JanJan described Bey to a tee!

    Just like the Jackson’s, Halle, and Tiger…she just wants to be white!

  28. janjan=strom.

    just call centre enabling imposters both probably knarly lesbians who like blueberries

  29. Avoir, lets say I was storm. It doesn’t make what I said untrue. All you have to do is look at how this woman has had multiple nose jobs, lipo suctioned her abs, bleached her skin and gotten the fanciest white girl blonde weaves with the very money all these black women have made her. Only to reject black women. Her best friend is gwyneth Paltrow, even her surrogate was a Latina and who can forget how in the early 2000s she tried to become shakira, lets not forget shakira is a whiter Latina.

  30. hey, isn’t a little ridiculous to suggest thst theres only one way to be anything ? horse, truck, ameobae, person, come on really ?

    there are as many different kinds of black people, as there are black persons, and none of them will or should ever conform to or fit into your pathetically racist fantasy of what they “should” look like. as if ..

    everyone, is entitled to define who they are, wether you like it or not

    grow a f*cking brain

  31. Oh come on, we’ve all know for a while that beyonce is stupid and wants to be white. It’s the same as white women or Asian and Latina women who cosmetically change their bodies and features: self hatred. Why else would michael bleach his skin, for the same reason beyonce does; self hatred, stupidity and ignorance. If she is so great, why should she have to conform to a white ideal.

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