0010faye_dunaway_lance_hair.jpgFaye Dunaway, in full makeup, hopped out of a cream colored car on Wilshire Blvd, wearing a cream colored top and unfortunate high waisted cream slacks with a straw fedora. She dashed into, of all places, IHOP….. Reese Witherspoon , gleefully trying on costume jewelry at Barneys. She managed to pick out $20,000 worth before she was done….. Tobey Maguire’s pregnant fiancee, jewelry designer Jen Meyer, in a prenatal yoga class at Golden Bridge (No sign of Tobey- but he does take other yoga classes)….Patricia Heaton and Markie Post – not together- but both rockin’ out in the audience at a taping of “So You Think You Can Dance”….. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, holding hands like teenagers, wandering around the Brentwood Country Mart…

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2 thoughts on “SEEN AROUND TOWN…..

  1. Hey, funny thing. I read a rude remark at another site about Jennifer Meyer’s line of jewelry. So of course I had to check it out. She’s got a great website and some of the pieces are absolutely beautiful. Looks like the dangling leaf with stones is a favorite necklace, but I liked the rings and other stuff.
    No, I don’t know her.
    In kind of a cynical way I thought how good could the stuff be? But it’s clean, modern and sexy. Anyway, sorry I don’t have anything nasty to say.

  2. Due to constant surgery, she now permanently has the look she used in “Eyes of Laura Mars” to convey having a premonition!

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