David Beckham took his oldest son Brooklyn shopping at Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills and both made a very favorable impression among the salesclerks and other shoppers. “Brooklyn has impeccable manners – he’s such a nice boy” exclaimed a salesperson. David stopped to sign autographs and pose for photos with everyone who asked. He purchased $5000 worth of Jo Malone candles from London – they retail for $65 apiece and come in such scents as Grapefruit Luxury and Pomegranate Noir. David ordered an assortment. Are the Beckhams planning a party? After the Saks visit David treated Brooklyn to frozen yogurt.
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It’s a shame the voice doesn’t match up to the bod!
If the Beckhams’ fortune ever went belly up and the kid would have to content himself with a mere $50 candle instead of a $65 candle, geez, can you imagine how traumatic that would be.
Just for fun, I would like to see a tv reality show of Posh and David and family where they had to live in a run down trailer park for a month and shop at Walmart and the Dollar General Store. Plus, drive an old Pinto wherever they went. LOL 🙂
walt, that’s hilarious!!!!!
indy/christine india, why you can’t pick one name? for goodness sake!!!
Say what you will about Posh and Becks, but they certainly seem to be hands on parents and the kids always look happy in photos.
That’s a ‘lot’ of candles!!
I love Walt’s idea, but you have to have Ang & Brad, Tom & Katie, and all the Kardashians and their satalite of various married & engaged people as well, and I’m sure there are many more I can’t think of right now, but they surely belong in the silver trailors because you sure know they will take no less.
WHAT a great idea Walt, you better hook up with Seacrest and quick!!
5k in candles. no wonder the sales peeps were excited, they found a sucker.
please refresh my memory.
but what?
Hey Reta, Glad you mentioned the Kardashians. It would be funny to see Kim Kardashian planning a hillbilly wedding. 🙂
Walt, I learned how to drive in one of those little red Pinto’s with the black hard top way back in the seventies. All was going well until I sideswiped one of my parent’s rental house’s with it after cutting their grass. True. You don’t see those cars at all anymore. I miss 1977.
Kim Kardashian…grrrr. One must factor in entertainment for the lowest common denominator I suppose but it is tiresome.
longtime reader: OK, I’ll try to do better.
To see such a good actor come to your store is an Honor and To have him enjoy something you believe in and have pride about is wonderful and his major offer is such a big deal and it simply means the world. So it is nice to find out that He enjoys that type of Dessert.