
Last summer Robin Thicke was riding high on the success of “Blurred Lines.” Maybe TOO high. Rumors and photos that indicated he was cheating on his wife started popping up. Last March his wife Paula Patton announced they were separating after 9 years of marriage and one child. Robin’s female fans were NOT amused. He’s made a big deal out of trying to publicly win his wife back. His new album is called “Paula” and in one song “The Opposite of Me” he admits he’s a cheater and not a nice guy and doesn’t seem the least bit sorry. The song is a flop and his album is tanking. His fans liked Robin better when he was good to his wife. Like we told you, Robin inherited his father’s cheating gene.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Pig don’t veer too far from the trough. When are certain celebs going to stop believing their own hype?

  2. @ah-yuck “pig don’t veer too far from the trough”. Hilarious!! Nailed it.

  3. Some of the women liked thinking he was good to his wife; they can’t live in that dream anymore. Some women liked to fantasize about him, but it must be hard to do that knowing he is so publicly humiliating himself in an effort to get his wife back. He’s lost fans on both sides.

  4. I think he’s a pig. And he thinks he looks so cool wearing those stupid sunglasses INDOORS, but he just looks stupid. Paula was smart to dump him, because his Dad Alan is a serial cheater. and Robin is evidently just like him.

  5. @Barbara – its already common knowledge they had an open relationship. No wonder if their “separation” would be a publicity stunt.

  6. Alan Thicke has got to be one of the worst serial cheaters out there, poor guy he totally grew up in that environment.

  7. I hate low life horn dog cheaters. And on top of that, all his begging and mooning around is just pathetic.

  8. Robin may be a songwriter like his famous parents known for their hits “Facts of Life” and “Different Strokes” among others, but right
    Now his tune of choice seems to be The Temptation’s “Ain’t too proud to beg.” By all
    indication, Robin appears to be having a serious “Love Hangover” over the love of his life. You (almost) have to admire the way that
    Paula is staying out of the limelight while Robin is throwing his pride out the window!!

  9. @xyzc, if theirs was such an open relationship, why did Paula kick his cheating arse to the curb? I don’t think this is a publicity stunt at all. Who knows how many others there were before Paula found out about this one? It must have been an open relationship only on his side. He’s a pathetic pig that any woman with a brain would give a wiiiiiiiiiide berth to.

  10. With a name like Robin, here’s hoping Paula will go back to him with an iron-clad no cheat contract and have him chirping and eating out of her hand. lol. 🙂

  11. Ah he can twerk it out cheating all his partners.. as long as his money lasts

  12. Robin did indeed inherit the cheater’s gene. He can’t help himself. His thinly veiled attempt to win her back is failing miserably because she’s wised up. what a disgusting pig he is. I’ve always wondered what his brother is like.

  13. He looks like the type of guy who stands in front of the mirror for hours practicing his “moves”. He’s so lame.

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