#robertdowneyjr #janetcharlton
Robert Downey Jr left a Malibu party in a good mood with his head protected from the sun by a white hoodie (black is not a good choice these days) and he’s carrying a fashionable man-purse. What we can’t figure out is: what the picture is on his t- shirt. Anybody know?
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
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dat be Bruce LEE
it’s easy.
Zara.com had them but looks like they are sold out now. That’s a cool pic of Bruce Lee. It some how seems wrong to have a man purse over the shoulder while wearing it.
Oh well, I like Downey so I would almost expect to see him wear a purse or have a monkey on his head. He’s unpredictable and I can appreciate that.
T-shirt picture looks like Bruce Lee
what I want to know is ….is that guy behind him picking his nose?
JERRY: Well every day for the past four days she hasn’t returned one call.
GEORGE: Was it a scratch or a pick?
JERRY: It was a scratch.
GEORGE: Hey. It’s me.
JERRY: Don’t you think I know the difference between a pick and a scratch?
JERRY: Yeah?
ELAINE: (OC) It’s me.
JERRY: Come on up.
GEORGE: Was there any nostril penetration?
JERRY: There may have been some incidental penetration. But from her angle she was in no position to make the call.
GEORGE: So let’s say in her mind she witnessed a pick. Okay, so then what?
JERRY: Is that so unforgivable? Is that like breaking a commandment? Did God say to Moses thou shalt not pick?
GEORGE: I guarantee you that Moses was a picker. You wander throughh the desert for forty years with that dry air. … You telling me you’re not going to have occasion to clean house a little bit.
JERRY: Let me ask you something. If you were going out with somebody and if she did that what would, would you do? Would you continue going out with her?
GEORGE: No. That’s disgusting!
LOL Walt! One of the funnier exchanges on Seinfeld. Of course how dare George the “double dipper” think anything is gross.
Oh yeah, only RDJ could still look sexy with a man purse.