Anderson Cooper bumped into Regis Philbin in front of the Reebok Gym in Manhattan and they were chatting when an eager young woman approached clutching a pen and paper. Regis stepped back, saying “I think someone wants your autograph, Anderson.” The girl said “I want YOURS, Mr Philbin. This is my first time in New York and I couldn’t get in for a taping of LIVE!” Regis was delighted, and after he signed the paper he suggested Anderson sign it. Regis pointed out to the girl “This is CNN’s Anderson Cooper.” The girl squealed and lifted her sweater and asked Cooper to sign her body! Regis laughed and called Anderson “A ROCKSTAR.” Modest Anderson agreed to sign the paper but not the skin.

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  1. She was all in fannish lust for Anderson but she didn’t know who he was until Regis introduced him? Even when Regis had already called him by name in front of her? This story makes no sense.

  2. Her first time in NY but she’s at the Reebok club? Someone’s first trip to NY doesn’t go to the this gym.

  3. Both of these guys put material things above God. This is not a good thing. This life is but for a short time…eternity is forever. I do not know, of course, how they stand in relation to the Lord, but it doesn’t look promising (not judging). Side Note: Also Anderson being homosexual is a sin and an abomination to Christ, per Bible.

  4. Both of these guys put material things above God. This is not a good thing. This life is but for a short time…eternity is forever. I do not know, of course, how they stand in relation to the Lord, but it doesn’t look promising (not judging). Side Note: Also Anderson being homosexual is a sin and an abomination to Christ, per Bible.

  5. Oh, please, BB&B. It’s Regis’ dye job and dentures that are an abomination to Christ “per” Bible, LMAO.

  6. I bet if it was a penis he was asked to sign he would have gladly obliged.

  7. If Regis had signed her boobs, Joy would have read him the riot act. If Anderson had signed her boobs, his boyfriend might have accused him of switching sides. Oh, I have made myself laugh.

  8. Janet, every day you push the boundaries of taste but I must inform you that this is a fabrication like all of your other ‘scoops’. You tell lies.

  9. It was Regis Kingly right to make Cooper sweat and become embarassed and ashamed of his gayness. Go Regis.

  10. Regis is an embarrassment to American culture! Just ask the French!

  11. Why does it not surprise me that Anderson wouldn’t sign her body.

  12. Anderson Cooper has never come across like some giant egomaniac. It’s also laughable to think that anyone would make him sweat or feel ashamed of being gay. That’s totally ridiculous.

  13. Something about being gay must make him ashamed or he wouldn’t be trying to hide it.

  14. BB&B: These guys probably don’t even think about God; hence, he is nowhere on their list. But, yes, material things is at the top of their lists.

  15. I just have to say this, altho a tad off subject: Regis is OK, altho as stated above, he is altogether money and stuff hungry. I can not stand to look at Kelly Ripa. She is a fake, dumb, stuck on herself phony. She thinks she is God’s gift to men. How does Consuelos stand her? Oh I know; could it be she is the total bread winner? Ha ha and ha again.

  16. Most of these people are money and stuff hungry, Anderson, Kelly, and Regis included. You think Anderson is going to give up his custom suits and $10,000 Rolex watches for anything? He has never wanted for anything and never will on the salary he is drawing now. The rich get richer.

  17. Town cryer, you forgot to add that she is dumb, dumb, dumb, but she does have balls. In other words she has hutzpah and self assuredness, which is what helped her get the job. That, plus loving her hair and hair extensions, flirting unashamedly, etc. It must be so great to be her. The only thing I can’t understand is why she has not purchased boobs. Janet, pls. give us a Ripa subject to rag on.

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