We have a lifetime love for the underappreciated Cadillac (it happens when you grow up in Chicago) so we were pleased when singer Jewel, 36, credited her Cadillac with keeping her alive in a violent car accident. As you may recall Jewel is married to Ty Murray (she once dated Sean Penn!) and they’re expecting their first child this Spring. She was driving alone in Texas yesterday when she was broadsided by a fire truck! She’s already out of the hospital and tweeted “I do know my car saved my and my baby’s life – definitely going to get another Cadillac SRX, It absorbed the damage and saved my life!”

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  1. So happy for her and Ty that she’s safe and didn’t lose her baby. That would have been horrific. I’m happy for them and think they are a great couple and loved him to death on DWTS. He’s a real darling, good old fashioned cowboy with a heart and real man. They are lucky they found each other and I hope they stay together always and have a good old fashioned American dream family and life. They deserve it!

  2. Dear God, “the American” said something that makes sense!

    Very glad she and the baby weren’t hurt. I saw a photo of her car and it was crushed on the passenger side. Reta, I agree that her husband is quite a guy. I think he stayed on DWTS for so long, even though he wasn’t a very good dancer, because people could see what a good man he was.

  3. Denise, you’re right. The guy has a good heart and is sweet and loving and a good old fashioned “real man” along the lines of a John Wayne type I think. Values you can’t shake and the kind of protective love any woman would keel over for. They are both lucky to have found each other and I think they’ll be one of the long term couples and make it. Living out of the “Hollywood” lifestyle might have something to do with their success as well.

  4. Do you really want to claim you dated Sean Penn?

    Especially when he was more than likely married when he did?

  5. Wasn’t David Arquette also driving a Caddy when he escaped injury in a car crash last week?

    They must be built like tanks.

  6. My beautiful Jessica was T boned in our new Camry LE. The car was totalled. Jess was fine. Just in a state of wha happened for a bit. I prefer the steel in Jap cars. Though I’ve owned lots of Chevs, Buicks and Chryslers in the last 30 years the Toyotas have the best longevity and safety.
    Had replacement insurance, so I got the newer LE model.
    I have five more years till she has to run another red light and I can get new one again.
    Jewel is ancient history.

  7. It’s amazing that Ty’s ween, etc. weren’t mashed and squashed from all that bull riding, thereby disturbing his reproductive ability. I’m sure Jewel appreciates Ty after having been w/ Sean Penn. ugh. Oh well, we all make mistakes. These two will have a long-lasting union.

  8. I am thankful that she and baby are unharmed and safe. That must have been a nightmare for her. Scary stuff for sure.

    On a lighter note, back in the 70’s my neighbor had 16 yr old twins (boy and girl). He bought them both big black used Ford LTDs as their first car. His reasoning was that they would be safer (if they got hit), not much money invested in the cars, cheap insurance and people tended to get out of their way when these large vehicles were barreling at them. Each of them drove the cars for two yrs until they moved off the college. Both of the cars looked like they had been through war with an array of large dents and scrapes.

  9. Walt, that’s a funny story and brings back memories of all the cars we drove growing up that were dented, scratched or had multi-colored bumpers. No extra insurance and at times the cars were so large it was like driving the Queen Mary. Kids wouldn’t be caught dead drivng anything like that now. In my town, it’s the parents’ old BMWs, Volvos, etc.

  10. I was 8 months pregnant with my second boy when I was hit from behind while waiting to pick up my husband from work at midnight. my 3 year old was in the backseat. The car was a VW station wagon and the drunk driver was uninsured. The rear motor most likely saved us with it’s weight, but our car was totaled. My belly hit the steering wheel and the baby didn’t move for over 24 hours afterwards. Back then, nothing was done but to watch and wait. Thankfully we weren’t hurt, but the cops had to hold me back from the drunk driver. My tiger mamma wanted him BAD!

  11. Yes, and the horrible thing about it was he was out of jail the very next day and as far as we could tell, nothing was ever done to him, charges-wise. We were a young working family with one car, and we lost that. I believe I remeber him being an illegal as well, which might explain why he was uninsured, but he came ober to tell us how he was going to pay us for the car, and that was thelast we heard of it or saw of him.

  12. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen says:

    Thank God you and your Baby are alright. Sweet Heart you must had been scared and fearful and…Happy your okay and the baby is okay and…Jewel your such a great singer and your so wonderful and your music really torch.

  13. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen says:

    So happy your going to be a mother and happy that your safe and Healthy and…My wishes go out to you and your family that you are creating and happy that your safe and doing well!

  14. Thank Goodness for that Heavy Car taking all the stress out of what could happen to her and her child…I love Jewel she is a great singer and has had a hard life making it to the top and so happy for this young lady and happy she is a mother…

  15. She is Beautiful and has wrote some amazing Books in the pass and is creative and writes some of the most wonderful music in the world…I have a major Crush on her and think she is a Beautiful Blond!

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