P. Diddy and a few buddies were upstairs in the VIP room at Tao in Sundance when he spotted a sexy girl down in the middle of the crowded dancefloor having a wonderful time. Diddy pointed her out to his companion and sent the guy down to get her. The friend obediently brought her upstairs and introduced her to Diddy. Apparently he wasn’t impressed with her up close, because Diddy said hello, looked her over, and turned his attention elsewhere. Feeling rejected, the girl stood alone by the stairs, looking unhappy and unsure of what to do. Just in time, Nelly arrived with Eddie Murphy. Nelly eyed the girl and immediately chatted her up – they spent the rest of the evening together. Good things DO happen!

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  1. Diddy looks like a pinhead with a bad overbite. Really ironic that he’s judging somebody else’s looks. That girl should have kicked him in the nuts. He is one goofy brother. He can’t dance either!

  2. when was the last time n e 1 bought a fkn diddy cd?? cuz i dont remember there even being one.. and if there was i cuz give less that 2 shyytz

  3. Diddy has no manners. He needs to have his jaw fixed. He’s so not handsome and he dresses like a gay minister.
    Didn’t his girlfriend just have twins? He’s so gross.

  4. ha ha!
    Diddy was turned off when he realized the girl was genuinely female.

  5. the crossed eyed fool could not see her up close only at a distance

  6. Horse faced diddy.Bucktoofed cant close his mud flaps.Designer?me thinks he didnt like her cause she wasnt hung enough for his fem self.

  7. Diddy needs to go home to his woman and his kids…I would dump his LOSER ass!

  8. sean combs
    has as much talent as milli vanilli. what a tard.
    he must have every std known to man. since when did being a pimp be seen as being a cool thing. youd think that he would be ignored or boycotted with the total bottomfeeding crap he steals from others and grunts to the beat with on stage. um, when did people decide that grunting and saying yeah yeah yeah ugh huh ugh huh to some stolen record track is original music? Its worse than sitting in a karoke bar. at least in a karoke bar, people are trying to sing.

  9. Sometimes you have to thank god for unanswered prayers. I know personally, I would be pissed if I ended up with Diddy when I could have had Nelly. Nelly is much much easier on the eyes.

  10. What does this idiot girl expect?
    She’s picked out of a crowd like fresh tuna in a fish market and ordered upstairs so P-Homo can look her over and he decides to play with the boys instead.
    Get some self-respect.
    That goes for P-Duddy too.

  11. Isn’t Nelly involved with Ashanti? I don’t think she would think it was so great of him to chat up another woman all night!

  12. Diddy is a creep. He has two young twins at home and he’s out looking for a new baby mama?
    Also, I thought Nelly was dating Ashanti….

  13. He is such a loser, can’t even get his own girls! If he thinks that girl isn’t attractive enough, he should look in the mirror – UGH!!!! Looks like an homely pimp!

  14. No it’s not the Diddster who is the loser its the foolish white girls who would think of being with him,,,and his men fawing around for his next order,,look at J lo ready to blow anyone like that to gain fame and all the others,,,,how little respect can a person have for themself!

  15. The black men can’t be happy till they show they can get the white girl!!!

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