We are firmly behind the (Motion Picture Association of America) MPAA’s decision to give the documentary “Bully” an “R” rating because of f-words in the dialog. That means children under 17 can’t see the movie without a parent or guardian. Actually we are grateful that the MPAA is doing their job. Sure, it would be nice for teens to see this, but believe it or not, there ARE parents who don’t use profanity at home and hope their children won’t. Hearing it on the street and seeing the words used on TV or in movies are two very different things. Reality shows manage to bleep the crude words out of their soundtracks daily without spoiling the action. Why couldn’t Bully’s high and mighty producers do the same thing? They KNEW the words would earn an R rating and shouldn’t have asked for trouble. All this fuss to DEFEND the use of the f- word? The world would be better off with LESS crudity. Hang in there MPAA – somebody has to maintain decent standards!

About The Author


  1. Are you in school these days??? Do you hear what is going on??? This isn’t like when you and I were in school….we can’t ignore what is going are KIDS supposed to learn from their mistakes if things are censored to protect the ‘innocent’ ears of our youth (which, if you haven’t checked lately..isn’t so damn innocent)…the MPAA needs to change their standards…and the last time I checked..i’ve heard some serious profanity in a PG film..1984’s ‘Sixteen Candles’…’I can’t believe it…they f***ing forgot my birthday!’..Need I say more?????

  2. I am surprised there is a big hoopla over this when so many other movies get PG13 and have too much sex in them for a 13 year old to see in my opinion. It would not surprise me if this was a conspiracy to get this movie noticed.

  3. Kind of like “the kettle calling the pot black”, so to speak!

  4. oooh you prudish & naive americans: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

  5. Janet, as for movies, figure out guidelines and then USE THEM…but Janet do you read your own site???? I’d far rather read a string of fuck and etc type words than the kind of evil and “bullying” racist and gaybashing commenta you allow constantly on nearly every single post. According to some of your crazy regulars, EVERY male is “gay” (that is not THEIR word, they are very ugly in their discriptions) and then you have the stroms of the site who regularly and hatefully rave against blacks and sometimes other races. I can only assume you condone these posts and agree with them because I sure as hell wouldn’t allow that shit to pullute MY site and drive business away!

  6. Janet must not be getting fucked, if this really a concern. There so many kony things to be an activist of and you pick this, you are so lame. Are you 90 years old?

  7. What??? You allow the filthy sexist language of Hello, Strom, and Patrick and yet this offends you? The MPAA is a joke and was set up by the major studios to regulate themselves. There is no public accountability or guidelines. We dont even know who is on the board to make the decision as to what is and isnt acceptable. Who the hell are these people to make a decision for millions of film viewers. This board needs to be abolished a govt board set up that will answere to the American people. This board is well know to allow the most sickening violence and give it a lower rating while slapping higher rating on any indie films that deal with any “controversial” subject matter. In other words anything that questions white christian ideas on religion sex etc.

  8. I’d also suggest anyone who is interested to view a great documentary on the MPAA. A great film called “this film is not yet rated” IF you can find it. Probably got slapped with a XXX and hence couldnt get distribution.

  9. Get real, please! Maintaining the status quo is NOT always the best. Look at the benefit vs. risks…human life is at stake here.

  10. Oh, but 13 year olds can go watch The Hungry Games by themselves?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!

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