He didn’t win American idol, but David Archuleta could walk away with another kind of prize – Miley Cyrus! One of Miley’s friends says that Miley has a schoolgirl crush on the 17 year old crooner and she’s already asked him to make a cameo appearance in her upcoming Hannah Montana movie. Miley is at an age where she’s very aware of boys and she thinks David is not only cute, but really talented, too. Whether David (or shall we say his manager/Dad) takes her up on the movie offer remains to be seen.

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  1. Can we skip ahead please to the part where she’s knocked-up-by-God-knows-who and is slithering off to her first rehab?

  2. HAH HAH HAH HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    …………………. not
    stay awayyyy Miley. David is too good for you!

  3. If I were a teeny-bopper, I would not like Miley Cyrus. She is over-hyped. AND, SHE BASICALLY DOES NOT HAVE A GOOD VOICE. She has a deep voice and it is not smoooth. She did a special in Bryant Park in NYC on GMA a few days ago, her voice sucked. She is loud, that’s all.
    Plus, she is not that cute, big nose and big teeth. But, ha ha ha’ing all the way to the bank. That is today’s world.
    David, you are too sweet and innocent for her. Run far away; she is a man-hunter in progress.

  4. OH HECK NO!! EW MILEY!! she better not GET NEAR HIM!

  5. Miley doesn’t deserve him. Besides, David’s not stupid..he would never make such a move. 😉

  6. David is too good for her. And if she is a prize I hope David can trade her in for a better one.

  7. Run David! Run as fast as you can, before she uses her magical powers to make you like her- the same powers she used on the majority of America’s preteens.

  8. ohmygosh…..please no.
    Miley seems like trouble. I really just picture her being like all the other female singers when she’s older. In jail, doing drugs, drunk driving……oh geez. David, be careful. Be VERY careful.

  9. Aww guys, at least Miley has good taste. ^_^ And I don’t think she’s ugly. Nothing wrong with having a CRUSH.
    And I want this rumor confirmed or denied officially!
    (overprotective much! haha, crazy will be the day when sweet David gets a girlfriend. lol)

  10. Noooooo!…..Miley is not David’s kind of girl…DA is looking for a soulmate though…not a Hanna Montana!

  11. If it’s true, Miley, please be gentle with baby David. He’s very pure and innocent! Don’t be too pushy or you’ll scare him away in heart beat.

  12. I’m not a huge fan of Miley’s either, but let’s play nice.
    I can’t see him going for her since they’re like polar opposites, but I think it’s cute that she has a little crush on him.

  13. Please, David is a Gay boy. She could be the last woman on earth and he would still be checking out the guys.

  14. Please, David is a Gay boy. She could be the last woman on earth and he would still be checking out the guys.

  15. Please, David is a Gay boy. She could be the last woman on earth and he would still be checking out the guys.

  16. I’m guessing Miley does not have a very well developed sense of ‘Gaydar’……

  17. David is NOT gay! If he’s gay..then there’s no hope in the world.

  18. Guys, just b/c ur jealous of David doesn’t mean u have to call him gay

  19. I don’t think he’s gay either, personally. But he won’t go for her anyways; they’re too different.

  20. ok! let me get this into some of ya’lls heads! david is not gay! if u think he’s gay then u need to go in the dictionary & look up gay & i bet that ur face would be the definition! get a life & do somthing productive!

    anyway!! RUN DAVID!!! i cant even imagine david with her!! eeewwww!!! i hope its a rumor!! david BETTER not ask her out!!! it just…… doesnt fit!!! david deserves better!!! ew miley!! but good taste!! 😉

  22. Okay, taking this back to the article…I actually think Miley can be pretty when she’s not trying too hard and David’s adorable as well but her attitude and David’s would totally not mesh.

  23. You’re right he is “Gay” he always is. and if you’re smart enough you will no what I mean!

  24. You’re right he is “Gay” he always is. get over it

  25. The only people who call David “gay” are jealous jerks like Constantine. To the above commentator, you obvious don’t know how to spell “know” so I don’t think you’re smart enough to judge.

  26. Man, I hope thats not true. Hope David lets her down easy; wouldn’t want any broken hearts *trys to hide smile* Poor *giggle* Miley he’s just to good for her *laughs*
    (In case you couldn’t tell I’m not *ahem* a miley fan)

  27. Guys maybe we shouldnt take this too seriously for all we know the person who posted this is just trying to start crap! She has no proof at all so we shouldnt get to worked up over this! If your gonna go and make an article I think you should provide proof missy!!

  28. I don’t see why everyone’s making a big deal out of this either…i can easily believe she likes him, but I sincerely doubt anything will ever come of it.

  29. Miley can not sing… her voice is deep a raspy. David is too good for her. Also, Miley’s a whoreeee with all those sluttay pictures of her…

  30. For the love of all that is good David!!!! RUNN!!!!! RUN!!!!! Don’t let her get to you!!!

  31. oh well, once your called gay in hollywood, thats a sign you’ve made it!

  32. hahaha. i bet after seeing her “dance” at Idol Gives Back, David would never ever go out with her. He is way too decent a guy to guy out with a whore like her.
    what is it with her & older people anywyas? her BFF is 20, she needs to make friends with poeple her age.

  33. He doesn’t even want a girlfriend right now and she’s 3 years younger than him so why is everyone making such a big deal about this? lol.

  34. Ew. Oh my gosh.. talk about.. crappy journalism. Like this will ever happen 🙂 He’s way out of her league. In your dreams Miley, in your dreams 🙂

  35. I personally don’t believe this story. It’s either made or planted by one her PR people. Either way she is way over exposed.
    Her parents should be doing more to protect her. She is only 15 and there is no need for her to be everywhere in the press.

  36. haha! right… like david’s gonna ruin his career just like that.

  37. NO WAY MILEY…he’s totally not YOUR type anyways. Stay away from her David!!!! and PLEASE don’t be in her movie…

  38. I think they would make a GREAT couple!
    They are perfect for each other and are both great singers.

  39. It’s possible that David does not even know yet whether he is gay or not; some kids explore possiblities at this age. Anyhoo, to me personally l’il Dave looks totally VIRGINAL. And, Miley looks and acts WORLDLY AND NON-VIRGINAL. She has been around the block a few times. At any rate, I hope he doesn’t lose it to her.

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