Photo Credit: Splash News

Once again, Michael Jackson leaves the same medical building in Beverly Hills that he visits every few days, it seems. (His nose really looks odd at certain angles, doesn’t it?) It’s rumored that Michael is being treated for skin cancer but there’s no evidence yet to support this claim. His leather jacket seems to have the pagoda shoulders that Victoria Beckham favors.

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  1. If you raise your arm in most jackets, it looks like a pagoda shoulder. Doesn’t mean it is one so need for a Beckham plug in this blurb.

  2. UGG!! Why, Janet, Why??? Must you blind me so with this freak?! I don’t doubt he has skin cancer, with all he’s done to himself over the years, spreading that bleaching crap over himself for all these years can’t be healthy! Maybe his mighty Lord will punish him for hating the skin he put him in! OH AND THANKS for the hideous freaknose angled picture! I could have gone the rest of my life without THAT!!

  3. …………..you feel sick now, folks?

  4. Janet, most people lost interest in this man in 1985. Perhaps it is time for you to resume blogging daily about Amy Winehouse.

  5. What is keeping this poor soul alive? Is that hand swollen?

  6. Hi Janet –
    I’m glad that you and your loyal readers are observing the law that was passed sometime, I believe, in the 1990’s. That is, that at no time must anyone say one positive thing about Michael Jackson and that one must respond in shock and horror at even his most mundane activity, like going to a doctor. I’m so glad that there are so many kind people out there who will never forget for one second that MJ went too far with his plastic surgery. What can I say, they’re just lovely, wonderful people.

  7. Well Jessie, most people are not that fond of pedophiles who should be in jail, not out walking around

  8. No Reta, his mighty Lord will not punish him for hating his own skin, Michael still has time to ask for forgiveness for the sins he committed if he asks with a clean and sincere heart, that’s the difference between God and us he forgives and gives us another chance, We on the other hand don’t want to forget or forgive and want to continue to hate and hate and hate and hate…………….

  9. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Whatever…..he has no hope at all if he remains a Jehovah’s Witness, a totally false cult. JW’s are sincere, but sincerely wrong.

  10. He has so tortured his nasal tissue with countless surgeries, that eventually, it became necrotic and most of it had to be removed.
    Michael’s “nose” is one of the best prosthetics money can buy.

  11. So, it was announced today that Jacko is pushing back the opening date of his London concert series, and “postponing” several of the shows until March 2010. Uh, colormefuckingsurprised!

  12. Too Bad he had one two many operations on his face and he did look great before he took it too far and of course I Love his singing and his acting and he was fun to watch and he was a great dancer and of course he did have that skin disease and he could not leave the house without being harrassed and stalked every where he went and never having any privacy and never be left alone and never being able to walk down the street had to be like living in jail and some what lonely and yes I look at his eyes and he seems some what sad and hurt to some degree but I do miss him and Will always dig him in so many ways and on so many levels.!!!

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