With the spotlight on Michael Jackson and his catastrophically reviewed performance on the World Music Awards, closeup photos of his hands are circulating. Observers have exclaimed that his peculiar looking dark, rough fingernails nails indicate that he’s desperately in need of a good manicure. Actually those brown nails are a result of Michael’s vitiligo. Back when Jackson started getting white skin discolorations he had a choice of two treatments. He could use medication to darken the white areas on his skin or use medication to bleach and lighten his brown skin. Usually patients choose to change the color of their spots, but Michael wanted to lighten all his skin to match the white areas. The skin under his nails is discolored, which is a side effect of the process. Only recently did he start showing his hands – he usually keeps them out of sight so he doesn’t SCARE children.

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  1. To clarify: the dark nailbeds are NOT due to alleged vitiligo, but are a side effect from the hydroquinone skin bleach MJ uses to make himself that fetching shade of corpse white.

  2. I wore some of that Chanel black nail polish and my nails looked kind of like that after I took it off.
    Perhaps a base coat next time.

  3. It has always been my belief that the skin under his nails is just his true brown colour and he’s bleaching everything else and I still don’t believe he has vitiligo. He just wants to be white.

  4. His nails have been like that for quite some time, I noticed it back when he was going to court

  5. Michael Jackson’s fingernails are probably the most LEAST disgusting thing about him!

  6. yall are just dumb ass haters leave michael alone.u guys hav nothin better 2 do wit ur lives but bother him as soon as u get an oppurtunity 2.

  7. Actually he was dignosed with Lupus. Hence the brown nails. He actually does have vitiligo. Look at some of his older photos. You can see the spots. He tried make up. There is a procedure called depigmentation and it makes a black person look lighter. NOW… I do believe the plastic surgery and the surgeons are an issue.. He’s still a musical genius regardless to the issues.

  8. He painted his nails brown to take attention away from the Lawnmower accident his plastic surgeon performed on his face.

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