The Shield’s Michael Chiklis certainly isn’t as fierce as he looks. This season a regular background guy who plays a detective in the squad room returned to work with a bald head. An A.D. asked the actor WHY he shaved his head and the guy explained he’d been having chemo to treat his cancer. The A.D. expressed fear that Michael might not want another bald guy in his scenes. Naturally the actor was worried because he needed his union health insurance. When Michael was consulted, he went to bat for the hairless background actor and declared “No problem- he can work here anytime!”

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  1. OK. This makes him special? If he didn’t alow it he would be the devil.

  2. Yes, he does the right thing and he is written about as though it were the Second Coming?

  3. Why was that even an issue? In fact, Chiklis should be insulted that they thought he would have a hissy.

  4. Not news. What’s next? He allows a handicapped person to appear in a scene.

  5. Many of you are forgetting that many actors in this superficial town are very shallow people who get worried over the littlest things. They fear that something so minuscule will interfere with their art or center of attention. Many actors would have balked and said, “NO WAY” and told the guy to wear a toupee or to fire him.
    Mike appears to be a stand up guy and understand that fans of the show aren’t goint to stop watching because there is another white guy with a bald head.

  6. This is the silliest item ever. Makes absolutely no sense.

  7. Ummmmmm not as silly as you would think. Anyone who’s spent more than ten minutes with 10 celebrities can tell you 9 of them have huge HUGE ego’s and are irrational jerks! I remember when Chiklis worked at Formerly Joe’s in the West Village. He was actually a great guy. He’s earned his success and I’ll bet that’s why he’s a decent guy.

  8. This is not about michael chiklis worring about this issue it’s about people thinking it would be a problem
    any good person would have done the same thing

  9. I think Michael asked what’s up with the bald guy.. and they said.. He had chemo. and Michael said oh man that’s bad. Let’s cut him some slack and make sure he doesn’t over do it.

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