She’s got her man back. After a year of cancer treatments, it’s great to see Marcia Cross’s husband Tom Mahoney looking healthy again. “Desperate Housewives” star Marcia looks very content to be just having coffee with him. Is it just us, or does Marcia look like she could be Nicole Kidman’s sister? They both have that long, lean, look and translucent skin.
It’s the redhead’s skin. But SHE looks more like she’s the one that had cancer than he did. She’s way too thin and bony. It’s not pretty at all and not attractive. She has a pretty face, but she’s needs to just put a little weight back on. So does Nicole. Too thin is too thin. No shape is not attractive or feminine.
……….you like “CRASH TEST DUMMIES”?
Glad he’s doing better, they have those girls to raise. Having said that, she is so unattractive, bag of bones with frozen forehead
In spite of her tiny hooked little eagle-beek nose, I think she is the most interesting character on D.H.