Photo Credit: Splash News

Madonna remembers what SHE was like as a teenager and she’s bracing herself for the worst with her 13 year old daughter Lourdes. Imagine her consternation when Lourdes told her she wanted to move in with her biological father, Carlos Leon! Lourdes is still very close with her mother, but she’s growing up fast and she yearns to live in Manhattan and spend more time with her father. She loves her stepfather Guy Ritchie, but he’s not her real dad. Madonna isn’t thrilled with the idea, but she has agreed to allow Lourdes to spend her summer vacation with Carlos in New York.

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  1. The best thing for this poor child would be to escape from her degenerate mother.

  2. blah blah I wanna know about Jeff Goldblum dating Imogen Heap..what’s up with thta?

  3. That’s GREAT for Lourdes. Welcome to NY, kiddo! May you find as much joy and inspiration as your mother did here.

  4. The best thing? That Madonna and Carlos have stayed friends in order that Lourdes could even know her biological father. I think it’s excellent and she and Madonna will be that much closer after she spends a summer with her dad. right on!

  5. Lourdes should get the heck away from Madonna and live with her dad. Poor Lourdes, having a vulgar tramp for a mom. She might have a chance to be a decent women and not a wh*re if she gets away from her skank mother.

  6. The sin of fornitcation will always come back to haunt you. Of course, Lourdes is not at fault, as we all know the whore just picked a sperm donor and went at it. I do think Lourdes should spend time in NY with Carlos. Would Carlos be a good father and watch out for her? He looks like a thug, but getting away from her skank mom has to be a good thing.

  7. You reported that Lourdes is 13. In fact she’s 11. She is a gorgeous girl. I bet in a few years we’ll get see her talent as well. Madonna has done a great job with her.

  8. Remember when she said NY had “lost it’s buzz?” haha I guess Lourdes begs to differ and it’s drawing her away from mommy.
    Talk about karma! It’s going to come back to madonna in spades.

  9. I think it’s cool, and just the summer is a good idea.
    Every kid has an “anywhere but here” attitude at some point between 13-18…it’s good to give them a little taste of freedome but make sure they know you care enough to keep them locked down in the boringness and stability of home. 🙂
    I think Madonna’s been a good mom.


  11. My best guess is that Lourdes would rather be in a more stable environment with her Dad than with her wacko mom who will adopt anything that moves. I also think Lourdes realizes her mom is a grade A hypocrite.
    But that’s my guess..

  12. Damn, some of you haters need to get a life and stop judging. I’d trade lives with Madonna in a sec. So would you I’m sure.
    Why don’t you jealous people S.T.F.U. and grow a pair, maybe you’d be as successful. Then go figure out your bible was written by MEN…yep, just plain old hater men with opinions and judgments…sorta like you.
    Wow, lourdes is really a beautiful girl and can we just say how HOT Carlos is. damn.

  13. Can’t blame the poor kid for wanting to get away from that pretentious hag. Maybe Daddy will let her pluck her unibrow. Madonna probably wants her to keep it so the girl won’t be competition for guys.

  14. NYC in the summer is not the place for an 11 yr. old! We don’t want her here! There’s too many strollers & yuppie parents and their little brats around. Manhattan should be 100% child-free.

  15. Madonna better get used to this, parents have said this since the beginning of time—whatever you do, your kids will be at least as wild as you were. And Carlos still looks ggggoooooodddddd!!

  16. Lola, as she is called, is just beautiful, much prettier than her mom.
    I hope she doesn’t pass right through the pretty all the way back around to fugly, like Prince William.

  17. Karma is preparing a mighty kick for Madonna…kids don’t do what you say, they do what you do!!
    So I wonder… does that mean her kid will be a sexually experimenal bisexual who will sleep her way to the top??
    I predict, in a few years that girl will be dissing her mother for being a hypocrite!!

  18. She should be able to explore her Latin roots with her dad. I let my son go live with his dad and everything turned out fine when he came back to me.

  19. She should be able to explore her Latin roots with her dad. I let my son go live with his dad and everything turned out fine when he came back to me.

  20. Wonder when her musical aspiration will take off or will she be actor of sorts ?
    Say is that Madonna behind them walking her dog ?

  21. With Madonna being so strict (while she puts out such garbage), it’s not amazing that this little girl wants to live like a normal kid.
    She expects others to buy her nasty stuff, but doesn’t allow her own kids to watch TV. She’s a total hypocrit.
    I hope that her daughter goes to live with dad. He seems much more normal and will provide her with a more normal life than that skank of a mother could ever dream of.

  22. 10:41 AM Rusty: why would I/we be jealous of a skank that is hell-bound….look at her filthy videos, frenching Britney, sex-crazed escapades, etc. Plus, she is in Kabbalah, a false cult. Her $$ won’t buy her soul into heaven. Plus, eternity lasts a wee bit longer than life on this earth. jealous? No.

  23. Carlos Leon was the lucky sperm donor after Dennis Rodman and Charles Barkley turned her down.
    I’m guessing that Lourdes won’t be a wild child and that she’ll eventually distance herself from her mother. The one we need to worry about is Frances Bean Cobain.

  24. Carlos looking a tad paunchy, here.
    I guess he couldn’t escape middle-age, even if his ex is famously beating it back with a stick.

  25. Finally finding out about her mom, britney and the world she has been shielded from.. wiser than ever Lola is busting out from the convent and getting her some New YORK man action.

  26. Janet kills me with the what do you think, I think that it is none of our business!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. HAHAHA.Maybe Lola will see how her mother has been selling her soul for a buck by setting a hoish example for young ladies and fags all the while refusing her daughter access to the sheat she promotes. No TV for Lola? Probably so she won’t see her hypocrytical Mom in action. Carlos, turn on the boob tube and let the girl see the truth.

  28. both lourdes’ parents are goo bee boogie fools. santin cult practice, resides in a downstairs dum bell drop. and i ani’t going to pack lourdes; rib flank parents out for any one. plank walk fall of tresspassing illegal/. [from Mark edward Burnett]. where did my moo moo mommy go? what happen too my mixed up daddy? poor shay of daddy and mommy titles aunt goodwin

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