Madonna HATES Kelly Osbourne’s grey hair and ordered her to disguise it when she made appearances for Madonna and Lourdes’s clothing line Material Girl. Kelly says she’s giving her hair “a rest” from all the bleaching and dyeing. Nonetheless, Madonna is pushing her to recolor it – blonde, brunette, pink, – ANY color but grey. It ages her and just doesn’t work with the teen clothing collection.

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  1. What kind of Mother would allow her Daughter to wear clothing inspired by the filthy and disgusting antichrist that is Madonna?

  2. I thought the old bag dropped Kelly O from her clothing campaign?! Anyway, I do agree, and don’t like Kelly’s hair that color! It surely isn’t naturally that color, is it? Yuck

  3. its like when Rihanna had that bright red hair for almost 2 years, enough is enough. Osbourne is doing no favors for herself with at aweful noncolor hair..

  4. That hair is HIDEOUS! I don’t think she is a great choice to model the clothes either…how about a Rachel Bilson or Ashley Greene type??

  5. Who better to give advice on grey hair than a grey haired hellcat still “desparatey seeking” to hang on to her youth. Madonna seriously needs to shut up & go away already.

  6. Is it GREY hair when you are young

    and GRAY hair when you are old?

    Whatever, the style and color is hideous. Maybe years of living with Ozzy has made the grey/gray matter in her brain swivel up. LOL

  7. It looks grey in this photo, but on Fashion Police it actually has a lavender tint to it. NOT that it’s any better lavender than grey. Regardless, itt does age her and is not flattering.

  8. She’d do well to get rid of those God awful tattoos while she’s at it. I thought she was but they all seem to still be there

  9. Um, can we get a new Madonna? I throw up every time I look at the one we have now.

    Maybe a YOUNGER Madonna that comes from different parents and who refuses plastic surgery because her beauty is within

  10. Ditch Madge as she sucks the useful youthful life out of her victims.. um friends.. wanting your opinion which she copies and calls original . Poor grannie hates life and aging.. desperate to raise a lot of money before she is exposed and sued by so many people as her charities have failed and projects were abandoned as the people she hired to do these things took the money and laughed .. it’s all gone wrong.. Build up self sufficiency and stick with doing your own thing, without getting dragged into her crazy motto I am ruler.. I am everything toxic atmosphere dearie..

  11. to Christine India,

    Actually us American prefer spelling it Gray,
    where the Brits like to spell it Grey…

    Buy the way, I agree it’s got to go…

  12. how is dying your hair gray giving it a “rest”? Speaking as a once long ago hair dresser….giving your hair a rest is going back to your virgin hair…no dyes or perms. Letting it grow out.

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