
No, she’s not starring in a remake of “Klute, Madonna is becoming a fitness queen and opening a chain of gyms. Like Jane, Madonna is acquiring fitness routines from professionals who have taught her, and introducing the new techniques in special classes in her own Hard Candy fitness centers, which incidentally feature many large photos of her. Instead of “feeling the burn” Madonna’s followers will become “Addicted to Sweat.” Madonna’s ATS classes consist of cardio and dancing with the use of equipment – and great music, of course. Can a line of exercise apparel be far behind? (Above, Madonna caused a mini-riot at the opening of her Toronto club but she couldn’t exercise due to an injured ankle.)

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. I’ve always been a fan but it seems like she’s selling rubbish (the world doesn’t need) all over the place – perfume, shoes, gyms, clothes. How about making some decent music?

  2. Madonna is a gym owner like Eva Longoria is a restaurant owner…..they just get a large chunk of money to lend their names.

  3. Madonna has been gagged by many BLACK men, maybe even more than a Kardashian.

  4. I guess she will exercise with gloves on to hide her age spots and popping veins.

  5. From what I understand, Madonna has always been very much an exercise fanatic.

    I will say her face serves as an example that the fillers and botox do NOT make for a more youthful appearance.

  6. Strom- What is your obsession with black men? A post doesn’t go by without you mentioning them.

  7. Madge loves latin/black dick..thats no secret! And why shouldn’t she?

  8. M has had so much surgery that her eyes have a slanted oriental look. And that’s not to mention fillers on her forehead and eye bags. I guess she needs to feel young, because her lovers keep getting younger and younger. She should remember her kids are watching her and unless a miracle happens, they will follow what she is teaching them by observing her filthy ways.

  9. answer the ladies question Strom,

    WHY SO utterly OBSESSED WITH BLACK DICK ? you are, in fact, ALWAYS mentioning it ?

    is it a coded plea for some kind of mandingo mano a mano love ? a forbidden whisper in the dark ?, evidently it’s your one true desire ?

    enquiring minds want to know, you drooler

  10. She is repulsive. Doesn’t she have enough money? As someone pointed out above she is selling all these garbage products made in China with slave labor. Yes, she REALLY loves childen!

  11. Poor little Alex, assuming the fatso is woman and maybe a multiple personality.

    In this day when the scourge of herpes is rampant and over 50% of black women are infected and spreading this disease, it is interesting you wonder why I cast dispersions at black men…who as soon as they make a $$$ or achieve a small amount of fame, do everything possible to find a white woman, no matter how skanky (kardashian).

    Where is the great black leader in this.

    Madonna is the definition of skanky, by the way.

  12. Poor Naomi…

    Jane Fonda is much better looking than Madonna and much classier, even with the mistakes she made during the Vietnam War….Madonna would be worse.

  13. Lol…I love the ranting’s of closed minded individuals. The irony is they are in constant turmoil as the world keeps evolving away from their beliefs. #Progressive

  14. Yes and those who call themselves Progressive are really PC enablers who want to be ale to ride on the giveme wagon of society without contributing anything but blather. Wouldn’t Sweden be a better place for them….only an 80% tax rate.

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