Photo Credit: Splash News

Madonna’s and an unidentified man (whom the photographer misidentified as A-Rod) landed at the International Airport in Toluca, Mexico, in her private plane with all three of her kids. She performs in Mexico City Saturday night. Her groupie Alex Rodriguez is flying in separately to join her. Rocco, Lourdes, and David must still be reeling from the divorce – wonder what they think of mom’s new man.

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  1. If that’s A-Rod he needs to get back to the US immediately because the Mexican air isn’t good for him.

  2. A-Rod will be in Mexico this weekend for a baseball clinic but that’s not him in the picture.

  3. She won’t dare to visit SMART europeans, folks!!
    O.K. true, europe has also FAGGOTS!!

  4. Janet, get over yourself. That isn’t A-Rod and if you think it is, you need to hang up your yellow hair and retire. Seriously. Stop trying to stir the manure.

  5. What would A Rod want with this skank when he can have all thelucious hispanic booty he can handle….and we don’t mean the JLO.

  6. Are you sure that’s even A-hole…I mean A-Rod? Sure doesn’t look like him.

  7. It could POSSIBLY be A-Rod – this pic is at a bad angle, but I don’t believe it is.

  8. The Vadge is a nasty, low-moral alley cat. And those who worship her, such as Kelly Ripa and Britney Spears will spend a not-so-cool eternity with her.

  9. That’s not him. Look at the shape of the head, look at his shoulders. A-Rod has broad shoulders. This is either her manager or somebody else along for the ride.

  10. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong…That’s Madonna & A-Rod’s manager, Guy Oseary. He’s the CEO of Maverick Records. Madonna has gone from being a “Maverick” into being Mae West. An old looking “blonde” who still thinks she hot.

  11. Trish, that was hilarious. I don’t even know what Guy Oseary looks like but even I know thats him and not a-rod. WTF is going on with this site? This isn’t the first time it’s been WAY WAY off recently.

  12. What I think is Madonna is playing with the paparazzi. It’s a game of what you think you know may not be what’s happening.

  13. Blah. Who cares? She is chasing something she will never have and will change partners along the way until she dies, bitter and lonely, but filthy rich. yawn.

  14. Thats not A-rod or Guy Oseary… That’s Madonna’s bodyguard/nanny….

  15. Ha HA! That’s hugo!! He’s been her security guard / manny / companion for many years! That was probably him on the other plane last wednesday.
    My question is, Is Madonna’s above trying to stop global warming? Her SUV’s and private Jets are so wrong! She’s got 3 kids so she needs to think about how her reckless fabulous behavior will effect them.
    If she can make money from the masses she can fly with the masses. That’s why Al Gore named his Movie “inconvenience” truth. How inconvenient for her to fly first class.

  16. If that is not A-Rod, but rather it is her bodyguard or nanny or manager, I wonder if they even care if her demons/germs/filth/, etc. is rubbing off on them. I’d get another job ASAP.

  17. @ 2:11.
    I’m the only one who gets to make that decision. Thanks for your input though. I’ll be sure to remember it’s your preferred form or punishment when the time comes.

  18. Nice correction. It’s no secret that Alex is in Mexico to run a baseball clinic for little leaguers and to dedicate a new baseball field tomorrow. Maybe he’ll take in a concert too.

  19. “Madonna and Alex will be together in Mexico”.
    Indeed they will…….and on J-Day these two adulterous fornicators will be together forever. The Bible clearly states the name of this eternal place. Myself and 2:11 PM did not state the outcome of this sinful lifestyle. duh.

  20. The photographer misidentified? So, you don’t look at things before they appear on your site with your name attached? Ugh, I hope the photographer got a lot of money of off your stupidity.

  21. Janet, for the love of humanity please NO MORE Madonna posts for at least a month. We don’t care about this horrid and immoral adultress and her past prime career. Find a new obsession to write about.

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