Okay, so this is not a RECENT photo of Little Richard, but wasn’t he adorable in the sixties? And he’s still going strong if you watched Simon Cowell‘s Celebrity Duets. Richard was a judge on the show and a coworker told us that Richard is very religious. We weren’t surprised, since we knew he was a Seventh-day Adventist minister (who married Bruce Willis and Demi Moore among others.) But Richard the rock pioneer may have a NEW religion – now he seems to be an orthodox Jew! The setsider told me he always watched the clock while taping to make sure he didn’t work after sundown Friday night. When that time came – whether they were in a commercial or not- Richard just got up and LEFT! His strict observation of the sabbath forced his coworkers to be VERY creative with their editing etc.

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  1. Little Richard is the architect of rock n roll – – he can do whatever he wants.

  2. Richards has a cameo in “The Girl Can’t Help It”, starring Jayne Mansfield.
    Mansfield’s thunder is stolen by the cameos Richards and Julie London offer in the film.
    The Girl Can’t Help It is very enjoyable.

  3. How do you know he’s an orthodox Jew? If you know anything about the Seventh-Day Aventist religion you know that they worship from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. He could have been leaving the set at that time because he’s a Seventh-Day Aventist and that’s what they believe. No working after the sun goes down on Friday.

  4. Love him! Clearly he’s influenced everyone from Prince to Kanye West.

  5. Adventists, who are Christians, keep the Sabbath like Jews do (and like early Christians did). Friday from sundown to Saturday at sundown.

  6. So, does this mean this website’s info is wrong, again? Gee whiz, this is getting to be a very bad habit.

  7. Wrong! I have heard that Little Richard converted to Judaism somewhere else. Janet is correct.

  8. Before Prince there was little Richard. What a wild man. Remember his speech at the Grammys and the award goes to.. they never gave me nothing so I’m taking this for myself

  9. Actually, lil’ richard is Seventh-Day Adventist. I saw him with my own eyes at our Church in Jackson Heights, New York.

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