As usual, Lindsay Lohan switched rehabs just 30 days into her 90 day sentence in hopes of getting more sympathetic treatment. She left Betty Ford after just 30 days and checked into Cliffside in Malibu with court approval. (Why do they approve these unnecessary moves?) According to RadarOnline she was obnoxious at Betty Ford, demanding Adderall and refusing to attend group therapy. They weren’t sorry to see her go. Justin Bieber’s alleged drug connection is also at Cliffside, so she might like the company better.
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Are there pictures of Sam Ronson face down between LL’s legs like a wild animal after meat?
her money is out.
her work is out.
most of her friends are out.
so what’s left?
I believe the Betty Ford treatment regime is only a 30 day course and the courts agreed that repeating that agenda 2 more times to satisfy the people’s case would be a waste of time ineffective and redundant.
Not everything Ms. Lohan does is sinister and self serving. Give her a break. She has a sickness and the next 60 days could be an important step toward her recovery. Where is all the Christian forgiveness and second chance posters here are so famous for?
Sounds like a paid political announcement.
Are there pictures of Sam Ronson face down between LL’s legs like a wild animal after raw meat?
Maybe she neeeds an exorcist to get rid of her sex demons. Demons seems to be pulling her apart; the girl can’t seem to decide if she is lesbo or straight. I wish the best for her, but she has been a little nut-case for a long time.
She needs this hopped up dope and drink until drunk to do the nasty things she must do to make money..
She’s turning 27; once she’s out, it’s tick-tock for her…
Since when do Baptists believe in exorcisms?
Are you telling us you converted to Catholicism, Christine India?
It looks like she has an Adderall addiction,in addition to everything else. What legitimate rehab would let her dictate the terms and allow her to continue taking narcotics?
“sex demons”, come on Christine, your pathetic is showing, again … “sex demons” too bloody funny …. maybe it’s that rock n roll, or mixed race couples, or, Satan’s speakin box (radio) or the demon cigarettes are to blame.
Its not 1930, start thinkin you silly hillbilly ! “sex demons” haaa !
I love this site, it’s wall to wall retards
It is so nice to be a pounding board for some. So nice. I am unforgettable, no?
It is so nice to be a pounding board for some. So nice.
No conversion to Catholicism. Southern Baptists and Catholics are at odds about almost everything. (Exorcism is a general term, which admittedly is associated with Catholics more than any other).
This is my last ref to demons (Maybe!!!!): Satan was a created angel. When he rebelled in heaven, he was kicked to the earth, taking 1/3 of the angels with him. These fallen angels became demonic spirits. It’s in the Bible, but I’m sure you think this is false info. What or who do you think is causing the world’s wars, drugs, prostitution, and troubles we read about daily. I know I am banging my head against a wall, but WHATEVER.
I do believe Ms. India spends more, much more, time reading tabloids at the curl and dye than she EVER spends reading the bible.
she probably gets them confused all the time …. or they’re morally interchangeable, equivalencies …
wowza, dem ole sex demons, lakes o fire, and im not fat and its ok to ” love” your sister …. and other routine southern Baptist fictions, what a hillbilly
! love it !
What a loser. She’ll be deceased within 2 years.
don’t you mean American loser Pimple ?