Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
It took awhile for Lindsay Lohan to recover from her July 4th weekend. We hear she began celebrating early at P Diddy’s white party that started at 2 in the afternoon. She carried on at the after party at Guys & Dolls and was flopped over a couch when the lights came on at 2 AM. She was just about the last to leave. Lindsay had to be helped out the door and huddled in the backset of a friend’s car – probably headed for yet another get together.
…………LET’S HOPE SHE DIES, folks!!
Lawd, I really, REALLY can’t STAND this lying, thieving little… there are no words.
In all of GollyWeird, Lindsay is probably the most pitiful, sick, malnourished, and broken in spirit. Courtney Love is a close second.
A worthless fuzz bumper.
Who cares? She’s NOT an “actress” anymore, and never really was in my mind going by past jobs “Herbie Fully loaded” (give me a break!)
She and her whole family need to totally disappear, the public is sick to death of her, and take that other herpes loaded skank with you, Paris the useless babytalking whore!
This is what happens when you come from a dysfunctional family and are AC/DC. Pitiful.
PS: And, mix in the fugly bull-dyke Samantha Ronson, and you have a recipe for disaster….and soon.
Geez! You must all be such boring paragons of virtue! When I was her age and living in Hollywood, I partied my a$$ off too, and I’m none the worse for wear! Neither is Robert Downey, Jr., another talented celeb with lots of partying in his past. Get a life, people!