Two years ago Demi Moore took exception to a tweet of Kim Kardashian’s and it started a mini-twitter war. Kim nonchalantly tweeted that she was “out pimpin’ with my friends” and Demi criticized her immature choice of words –pointing out that “a pimp is a slave owner” and the pimp culture should not be glorified. Kim was irritated, but let it slide at the time. But she didn’t forget. At Elton John’s party Kim was heard making fun of the fact that Demi was caught doing drugs with much younger friends -“she called ME immature!” Kim laughingly requested a song “dedicated to Demi” – the song was Devo’s “Whip It!

Incidentally, Kim K insists that this did NOT happen….

About The Author


  1. I’m no great fan of Moore, but, she was right to call the human urinal out for using this type of language. There are more sex slaves now that at any other time in history and unlike the Kartrashians they don’t willingly chose to go into it for fame, money, and attention. Millions yearly are kidnapped, enslaved, raped, beaten and killed. The Kardashians’ are a disgrace to all women. It is a pity someone can’t traffic them back to Turkey, Albania, Persia (or where ever their damaged gene pool is actually from) and they could ply their ‘talents’ in their ancestoral homeland.

  2. Oh, and Whip-its hypocritical “Real Men don’t buy girls”.
    WHile she and Assston had “fun” with young girls in their home and paid them off in return for silence.

  3. The mysoginstic and deameaning language to women started with rap culture but we never heard from the shakedown Reverends Jesse and Sharpton or the NAACP.

  4. The demeaning of black culture started in the 1400 to present, when whites and european would put on black makeup on their face for money to be black actors.

    The american goverenment is in charge of kidnapping women, enslaving them, pimping them out and give them diseases. Why would anyone wish rape & slavery on anyone it should be done to them first so they know what it feels like.

  5. Ha the only areas where KK is at home would be in the BLACK ghetto. Noone has been screwed by a larger variety of BLACK men, except a Pico Blvd. whore.

    Any enslavement of BLACKS was done by their own people and continues today by their leaders who condone their behavior and enable them to remain poor and stupid, while other races pass them like rockets.


  7. That whore needs to shut the frack up, she’s on her last legs you can’t go any higher on your back and on your knees than she has.

  8. Once again pee on ME Kim is not funny. Let’s see no talent trash calling out a Hollywood star for immature behavior who is now in rehab and she thinks this will not come back to bite that overly ample ass of hers? Oh just wait Kim…it’s coming your way girl and it will hit you hard right in the face. It may not be from Demi or her camp, but it’s coming your way. Can you hear the ticking of your 15 minutes almost being up? Soon you will be back to your original job of being a hooker doing the work for the pimp. Kim Kardatrashian is a jackass and a whore. Looking into her eyes is like looking into a dead pool.

  9. Racial prejudice and veiled jim crow laws persist today are set in towns, idelogoies, and people. Africans did buy and trade for money but whites had to beat him, enslave them, chain them, lynch them, and burn them, eugenics them, invent minstrel shows to decharacterize them, try to sing like them, act like them and look like them.

    read a couple books, strom

  10. I have read many books and the BLACKS should get over it and move on instead of looking for excuses, hand outs, and enablement. Asians and hispanics have had the same problems and moved on. Develop some class and shun the rappers who only make you look foolish. Pull up your pants and throw away your ghetto hoops.

    Every picture of KK should include a graphic of RJ with his BLACK meat up her ass and a $$ bill in KK’s hand.

  11. Does Kim K EVER do anything other than pose and admire herself in the mirror? I truly can’t think of a more vain and shallow person.

  12. after all was said and done wasn’t demi pipping out ashton? that said can’t stand either of these women.

  13. The only time I want to see Kim K’s whoreanus face is on a urinal cake.

  14. Kato also sold his soul to the devil for a career in entertainment. He knew Oj killed Ron and Nicole but got cute with his testimony to advance his career.That nasty hag Kris saw how Kato blew up (two People Mag covers) and wanted in on that murder notoriety. What a canker on America this arrogant family is.

  15. Tom, was Kato screwing Kris and Nicole?

    Was Ron screwing Kris? Was Fred screwing Golda?

  16. Walt, too funny! We can imagine the back end of the donkey.
    Why is Khloe wearing a hospital gown to a formal affair?

  17. Guess I am the only one that thought KK’s response was funny!?

    In the first instance Demi would be trying to hitch on KK’s popularity ride, this was likely a PR move on Demi’s part to get some attention ‘look at me, look at me’ (which would go a long way to explain why she is so f**ked in the head). I mean considering Demi has multiple degree’s and personally dedicated her time and resources to this course, then her opinion actually holds some weight. (that last sentence is sarcasm fyi)

    I don’t get that people would get upset about a word and the context it was used in this instance. Pimp is a word used repeatedly in rap songs, isn’t there a tv show called ‘pimp my ride’?!

    Perhaps some people should just lighten up and get a sense of humour, or not let it worry them (there are more relevant issues at hand). I don’t get upset when people make un-PC jokes about blondes or females, I tend to see the funny side and tell a few myself.

    To follow up on Strom’s comments and tone it down a little, I believe Dr Bill Cosby has suggested similar.

    Peace everyone xx

  18. To quote Michael K:
    “…Demi will dedicate the following songs to Urinal Kim: “Splish Splash,” “Yellow” by Coldplay, “What the Water Gave Me,” “Raindrops Falling On My Head”…”


  19. how many times we must keep saying this! THIS IS KIM KARDASAHIAN, folks!!

  20. BLACKS should get over it and move on instead of looking for excuses, hand outs, and enablement. Asians and hispanics have had the same problems and moved on. Develop some class and shun the rappers who only make you look foolish. Pull up your pants and throw away your ghetto hoops.

  21. Strom, how can anyone get over anything when u the one constantly talking about them. U degrade and disrespect and still dont have any clue. U are prejudice and a racist of blacks because of racial towards blacks for last 3 centuries. U hate them but always seem to be in their black pussy. Knowing where and when to commandeer the black cock in their black pussy and suck black cock to get it ready for black pussy. it seems like that is the only thing u learned.

  22. What an inacurate and foolish statement!

    I hate no one and certainly not blacks. But I do hate the fact that they allow themselves to be sold down the river by their “leaders” ending up poor and uneducated, and then looking to the rest of us for handouts and an automatic push to the front of the line because of slavery.

    Stand up on your own feet, pull up your pants, throw away your ghetto hoops and get a job!

  23. Now even XXX sites are linking to JC. Must be tough to sell ads!

    Has KK ever had any white meat?

    Is BLACK Morgan Freeman still on his honeymoon?

  24. The problem you have Strom is we know Morgan Freeman is black and putting it Caps shows your dislike for blacks. For now on put whites in caps for all white people. That’s only fair if you’re not a racist.

  25. Morgan, like many others, seems to use the BLACK moniker when it is of value and abandon it when it comes to most women…not including the little wife/step-grandaughter! Maybe he and Woody Allen have become fast friends.

  26. Stand up on your own feet, pull up your pants, throw away your ghetto hoops and get a job!

  27. Poor misguided Tracee:

    Stand up on your own feet, pull up your pants, throw away your ghetto hoops and get a job!

  28. Say it again: Stand up on your own feet, pull up your pants, throw away your ghetto hoops and get a job!

    This is what the BLACK leaders should be telling their flock!

  29. Stand up on your own feet, pull up your pants, throw away your ghetto hoops and get a job!

    This is what the BLACK leaders should be telling their flock!

  30. I don’t know why Kim’s being defensive seeing how her mama seems to pimp out her big ass & the other hookers she calls kids. This entire clan needs to slip back into the abyss.

  31. Ha the only areas where KK is at home would be in the BLACK ghetto.

    No one has been screwed by a larger variety of BLACK men, except a Pico Blvd. whore.

    Any enslavement of BLACKS was done by their own people and continues today by their leaders who condone their behavior and enable them to remain poor and stupid, while other races pass them like rockets.

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