
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

How would you like to open your door for the UPS guy and find Kevin Costner standing there? Not a bad surprise. Here’s Kevin playing UPS driver in front of the Four Seasons hotel. It just proves you just can’t believe everything you read on a hat.

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  1. After the hit he took on “waterworld” he is probably looking for a side job.

  2. $35m property in California; the Aspen property, private plane etc., I don’t think so. WW is “old” news…you must enjoy recycling.

  3. She doesn’t – she’s too busy enjoying her life with the man who delivers. Maybe you should get a life too?

  4. Kevin Costner is a no-talent wannabe who thinks because he did Dances With Wolves he should be revered for the rest of his days.

  5. Winning 7 Oscars the first time he directed should be enough to earn some respect. But he didn’t just sit back and bask in them. He’s taken his knocks (most undeserved) but is still working hard, even putting in his own money, to try to bring some enjoyment to our lives.If you don’t like the movies he makes no one is forcing you to watch them but at least give the man credit for trying.
    BTW, it’s an urban legend Waterworld bombed. It’s grossed hundreds of millions of dollars worldwide.

  6. I’ll never understand the energy that some folks put into bashing someone who they apparently don’t like.
    I guess it’s that love/hate thing.
    I would LOVE to be that talented, I would LOVE to be that goodlooking (or be with someone that goodlooking), I would LOVE to have the guts and self-respect to just do what I believe in and take the success of those decisions (or the sometimes lack there-of)like a grown-up and learn and move on….and boy I just HATE that I don’t have/can’t do any of the above.
    Costner is a class act.

  7. He is a good actor.
    It was a piss off in that Madonna movie when he was kind and classy with her back stage and she dissed him behind his back. I think it hurt him a lot.
    He is stylin.

  8. Madonna is no expert on film acting, and she’s in no position to criticize anyone else on screen. Compared to Madonna, Costner is another Olivier.

  9. I think Kevin Costner is handsome and sexy and fully attractive and of course if he drove up in a truck or van or car of any kind…I would look and I would look so hard that I would forget what I am doing and I do find him to be delightful and really nice looking and I Would want to look into his eyes and smile and wish him a great day of course but yes I am a Fan but I would not bother the man but of course I am going to look at him until I can nolonger see him.

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