Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End is in the final days of post production, but they had a last minute expense. Keira Knightley’s complexion wasn’t up to snuff, so they called in special effects experts to smooth it out. Keira, 22, was said to have had a bad reaction to make-up, and she broke out with acne during filming. Despite the best lighting efforts, the bumps still showed so they were digitally removed in every close-up. Now she looks as beautiful as Johnny Depp.
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Wonder what they used, program wise?
Photoshop or some highend software running on a Sun Microsystem… Hmm.
Funny I didn’t both seeing Pirates of the Caribbean, the movie.
Why can’t they make good movies about the Ku Klux Klan.
I mean, if you think about it that’s Pirates were much more a menace to society than Klansmen.
Oooh! Imagine a title for a movie “The Imperial Wizard”…
Back to Pirates, didn’t they loot peoples boats and then set them adrift with no sails to essentially die at sea.
Ah, no doubt the Klan was pretty bad, but no worse than Gangsta in some of the really lousy black neighborhoods who defend their turfs… Oh, that’s right, we’re white.
Have you seen some of those Latino Gangs in E. LA… Funny thing is their growing in all big cities.
Funny thing about the Klan, I think I saw on their website about a year ago, they’re all piss off about the factories that are closing in North America and moving overseas, yet those gangsta & latino gangs really don’t give much a damn, there all into drugs and white women… Look at how the hiphop/rap music portays white women – a whole lot like white sex slaves.
Wonder what they’ll look like in the housing projects, fat overweight, with half bred baby in tow both races essentially reject. Wonder what that kid will grow up to be, a scholarly kid or a member in a gang? Wonder what the statistics show for them.
Your a serial killer Sunseeds aren’t you!?
Your a serial killer Sunseeds aren’t you!?
why, may i ask, was that garbage even posted? this is just getting so stupid ….and by the way, that was orlando bloom in the pix with her. not depp
and the garbage i was referring to was sunseeds777 and it’s little klan rant….get with the times….
Keira should have been gulping aloe vera juice- her skin would have cleared up in a few days and it’s full of amino acids. It is a miracle juice and also helps joints- arthitis and the body’s circulation system.
I used to think she was the most beautiful girl but after reading some of her interviews she seems so full of herself. she is not doubt still beautiful but now she doesnt seem so as much. some actors and models should just keep their mouth shut and just do their job.
let’s see if somebody really filters these comments: this website is stupid and full of crap.
One wishes they could digitally enhance her talent, seeing that she has none.
Right on, Margo!! She should try pro activ.
this time i’m with you Patrick, what was that rant all about…eek
She has openly talked about her long history of skin problems and jokes about how much makeup it takes to get her to look the way she does.
Something crawled up arse…
Have you ever had days like that ?
You know what’s really funny is watching white guys emulate themselves to being black.
I guess they got to get as many people as possible to buy their music, since most black don’t buy off on it. Those that know better go to church!
the movie was great and the 2nd was too and kiera k. is a beautiful chick more power to her the third one is comming out if not already/
You know what’s really funny Sunseeds!”
Your Tennessee education.
looking great to me honey
I think she has that smashed-in face look like the Olson twin brats. None of them are pretty. None of them have talent.
you do not know her bloggers she is really pretty inside and out
yes she is i agree pathfinder
she was great in king arthur with that oufit on check it out