Photo Credit: Splash News
Kathy Griffin has a new boyfriend and this one might be for real! She was seen walking around New York with this guy and her demeanor was uncharacteristically low-key. In fact, she looks like she DOESN’T want to be photographed! And she’s holding hands with him – something she didn’t do with her billionaire companion Steve Wozniak. So does anybody know who the boyfriend IS?
UPDATE: Readers identified the dude as Kathy’s assistant Tom – but since when are they holding hands?
This is someone who works for her. Tom. He was featured on her show my life on the d list. she constantly is making fun of him. would be strange if they were actually dating but it does look like so in this?
That’s her tour manager Tom. They’re not dating- he walks her dogs.
She looks like a corpse. So I’m guessing he might be an embalmer?
Helllooooo Janet – Haven’t you even watched the show? What’s your next scoop “Ohhhh, Tom and Katie have a baby.” “Barack Obama may be the next President of the United States”……
do you really know what’s going on??? Tom works for her…
So, in effect, Tom is being paid to hold Kathy Griffin’s hand? You know, given her toxic personality and seeing first hand the horrible way she treated her husband, that actually makes sense.
Maybe she’s dating this guy she teased cause no one else will take her, I don’t know but she’s getting uglier by the day.
Janet. Knock. Knock!!??
Do you watch Kathy’s show????
Obviously not.
That is Tom. He is her googly eyed porn watching assistant.
The hand holding is interesting to say the least. Hmmmm.
And my god she looks like death, after death has been sitting in a freezer for 10 years.
her hair looks like straw!
Even if they are dating, Janet should have known who he is. Maybe there is a bigger story about why Jessica no longer works for Kathy! Perhaps Tom pushed her out of her job!
Man, she is nasty. Inside and out. I hope this guy is getting paid BIG bucks to touch her.
good god Janet – do you have any pulse on what’s going on in celeb land? Its Tom, her tour manager, he is only on her show now for what..a year!!! I love you but get current!
I don’t care who he is; I don’t care if he is her lap dog; I don’t care if he is her pimp. All I care about is saying the following: Geez whiz, she looks soooooo ugly.
She is a viper. And she seems to be competition with Joan Rivers to see who can achieve the lowest turnout at her funeral.
Her plastic surgeon actually made her uglier as if that was even possible.
Yes, that’s Tom, who works for her.
Isn’t he gay?
(“Not that there’s anything wrong with that!”)
I think they’re just holding hands as friends.
She is an american citizen, folks?
Janet it appears that your readers know more about gossip than you do. I seriously question all of your posts and I do not like Leonard Cohen nor do I even know who he is.
J, dont you have people??
Tom is one of Kathy’s people.. He is protective .. and seems to help her keep her lid on ..
I did hear she was dating a new one .. A comic I think..
Jeez Janet you are losing your skillz ..That is TOM her underpaid lackey
tHE ONLY people that find her funny are the mainstream media elites.
What a wreck of a woman–all that plastic surgery notwithstanding! She looks like she’s embalmed. How hard is it to put on a bit of makeup when going out in public? Disgusting.
Obviously, the only way she can get someone to “date” her is to pay for it. Why else would any man want to?????? She’s NASTY to men! I used to like her show until she totally threw her husband under the bus!!!!!
She looks pretty good without makeup…
She looks like she fell out of an ugly tree and hit every branch with her face on the way down.
She is nuts and deep down inside she knows it. Furthermore she knows everyone else knows she’s nuts (if she told the truth).
Kathy is just crazy funny!
I’m cool with her as long as she doesn’t reproduce.
She looks alright, just way different. You guys are petty as hell.
And her ex-husband took tens of thousands of dollars from her in secret. That can kind of ruin the trust.