Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
“The Tudors” star Jonathan Rhys Meyers and his girlfriend of six years, Reena Hammer, are loading groceries into the car at Bristol Farms in Beverly Hills. Cosmetics heiress Reena has been through a lot with Jonathan in their years together – he’s been in rehab three times and most recently was involved in a brawl at the Paris airport where he allegedly threatened to kill bar staffers. (Did they cut him off?) The volatile actor seems calm today and it look like he’s beefing up his height with those heels.
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I watched a couple of the episodes and just couldn’t get past the fact that he is so woefully miscast as Henry the 8th. He doesn’t look ANYTHING like him. Who the hell did the casting for this show anyway, Mickey Mouse?
I’ve never watched this show and don’t plan to. Jonathan is an angry young man who should be thankful for all his blessings, but yet had to go to rehab 3 X because he is such a sh**-head.
These two are so CAMPY!!!! God one of them will break an ankle or something with the heights they are going to with their shoes. He is 5’7″ and she is 5’2″ elevators, platforms neckbreaking heels. I think she should get to the gym and workoff that belly that would be real at least!!!!
after all: she still is an american.
JRM claims he is 5’10. He said it on Tavis Smiley last week.
He claims he is 5’10” well he also said that drinking was behind him and he was no longer interested in doing that then he was popped an airport in France and again this past month at JFK in NYC for being drunk and belligerent to airport personnel and supposedly banned by the airline…..nice person…real classy.
latest news is he was drinking before 7 am at JFK in NYC and started hurling the n-word around when he was not allowed to fly because he was so wasted. Which lead to him being banned from flying United. It is good to see that United realized they didn’t need garbage like this flying their airline. These two are gross, arrogant, classless, and tacky. Maybe if everyone banned his movies and boycotted her parents businesses Ruby & Millie makeup and Urban Retreat spas they wouldn’t be so snotty and treat people like crap. This pair are a weird, troll like little duo who stumble around on their too tall shoes thinking they are better than everyone else. NOT they are disgusting and completely devoid of all manners and breeding of any kind. They should go back where they came from and take their racism with them we don’t need it or want it in the US!
seems like there were a pics around town of him and other with this girlfriend of color. seems like this might be a bit of a setup by his agents to show I am just an average guy going to the supermarket with my gal of color see I am not a racist. Of course the weird part is only a few days before this he was spewing the n-word at United workers. Not cool…