Photo Credit: Splash News

Three generations: Joan Rivers and her daughter Melissa and Joan’s grandson Cooper all went Christmas shopping on Madison Avenue in New York. We’re thinking Cooper is a lucky kid to have Joan for a grandma – she’s probably loads of fun like Auntie Mame and spoils him like crazy.

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  1. look at the yucky little brat sticking his tongue out.
    and I knew Joan jr’s marriage would not work out. These women do not have the correct personality to sustain a marriage.

  2. Wow. Melissa has only grown more horse-faced with the passing years!

  3. Little Melissa had a great-looking man. I remember when Joan spent over $1Mil for an extravaganza wedding. Wonder what happened…he looked so much better than her. Now she has morphed into a man. Oh well, the kid wins, since granny spoils him rotten; he is already an undisciplined spoiled brat.

  4. Umm… Janet, Joan and her family are Jewish. They don’t celebrate Christmas.

  5. Hope this poor boy gets his father’s genes and not the equine Rivers genes.

  6. I wouldn’t care to know any of them, the Asian looking Mom, the horsefaced daughter, or the spoiled brat kid. And shame on them for wearing fur.

  7. The should watch their pennies — other than peddling that cheap sh*t they sell QVC — their only paying gig lately has been providing snarky fashion commentary — by postcard, LOL!

  8. Joan has worked hard her whole life to get where she is- Traveling the comedy club circuit, being away from family, that kind of life is hard. She deserves what she has & people can say what they like, but when you can branch off into different businesses and they are all successful, you must be doin’ something right.
    I applaud her for coming back strong from tragedy in her life & being a role model for many business women, and women in general.
    If nothing else, Janet is right- I’m sure she’s a loving, FUN grandmother. Don’t we all wish we had one.

  9. ^^^
    Yes, driving your husband to suicide has been known to take the wind out of a girl.

  10. Joan is great, she knows the score and long may she reign in the phoney crap of showbusiness.

  11. Fur is Cruel. She needs to stop that myth of fashion and grow a heart.

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