Photo: Instagram
Jennifer Lopez has always had a reputation as a major diva when it comes to demands, but she’s usually quite friendly to coworkers and fans. J.Lo appeared on MTV’s House of Style recently with the new host Iggy Azalea, 24. The two singers appeared in an episode filming at the Versace store in Beverly Hills. An eyewitness told The Hollywood Reporter that Iggy was by far the bigger diva! Iggy arrived with a big entourage, wearing sunglasses that she refused to take off. She scowled the whole time and only smiled when the camera was on. When the shoot moved outside, Iggy grimaced and avoided people while Jennifer smiled and greeted everyone. Jennifer was gracious to all and did everything she was asked to do while Iggy sulked impatiently. Imagine what Iggy will be like in a few years…

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  1. Little talent between the two but their managers know how to score $$$$.

    No woman has provided as much backside to BLACK men in return for fame as JLo.

  2. no doubt……..jenn.
    …………….she has some achievements to build on.

  3. Lopez is interested in one thing…your money in her pocket

  4. Korea nailed it….she has mad a career of representing companies selling overpriced goods aimed at poor Hispanic women and was happy to ride it for all the $$$$ possible.

  5. Actually this story sounds like it was written by Jlo press people with the normal intent of showing her as a wonderful and caring person.

    Where did the information come from?

  6. I see it was reprinted from THR. The eyewitness most likely was a Jlo press person and working very hard to make her look like Joan of Arc and Iggy the wicked witch. There is very little good and/or without greed between these two.

    Both also have manicured their appearance to appeal to BLACKS.

  7. jlo is one of the most self centered people on earth she only cares about how much money she can scam out of her fans

  8. 8 comments 7 by strom and its aliases. Got nothing to do huh?

  9. Jlo be looking old now.

    Anyway, all I’ve ever read about jlo is that she has people fired if they dare look her in the eyes.

  10. Poor little Angelo, so wrong, and so jealous of Strom. On lunch break from the call center? Strom needs no aliases.

    This picture says much about Jlo.

  11. Angleo can sit in the Jlo cheering section with his gay friends.

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