Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
It’s Jennifer Aniston as we rarely see her – glammed DOWN. Jen is filming yet another romantic comedy, “Just Go With It” with Adam Sandler. She’s wearing glasses and has her hair tied back, so her character must be the brainy type. The movie is about a man who enlists the aid of a woman and her kids to help him land his “dream girl.” Nicole Kidman and Heidi Montag are also in the movie.
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I swear these two make the SAME movie every time. I don’t call that acting.
I agree with Palermo. Who is writing these fluffy airhead mindless movies…all with the same story with little difference. None of the movies will ever be remembered over a few months. And now, Heidi Montag in a movie—I would not buy it for $1 in the $1 bin at Dollar Tree. And to think these flybynight movies has made Jen a multi-millionaire. Another sad commentary on the dumbing down of America.
I do not want to be hateful about the following statement (lol)..but notice she is hiding her huge chin with her scarf. The nose has had some surgery and a pretty good job too, but I think the chin/jaw area is not a candidate for surgery. Again, I hate myself for being mean (lol again).
Well someone is paying to see these movies… that’s why the keep making them. sure as hell ain’t me!!
Put Heidi whore Montag in a movie and the damn thing is box office poison from the get-go. This is hilarious.
I wouldn’t see anything with Heidi in it I don’t care how good it is supposed to be. And I can’t STAND Adam Sandler!! He is just sooo not funny! I wish he’d dissappear. His face is ugly and we’re supposed to believe beautiful women would want him…yeah, riiight!!!
Reta, I totally agree about that gnarly little unattractive wuss Adam. How in the he** did he become a star?
I can not stand Adam Sandler. He can not act, whines through his nose and has no facial expression. Ditto to the above as to how he became a star.
Jen’s lips are about 1/2 the size of her rival, Angelina. Or maybe 1/3 the size.
I just know the movie going to suck. Heidi Montag and all the construction she’s had on her face and body, just crazy.
you’re seriously warned, lady.
i’m saving so much money by not going to see Maniston movies. Thank you Jennifer Maniston!
Disagree about Adam, I like his face, hot body and most of his movies. Jenny Aniston, however, is el BORE-O! She’s the same in everything and so bland, blander than Doris Day. At least Doris showed some range and could sing.
hot body? where is he hiding it?
Sooooooo, how is she going to promote this bomb????
Will she go to Cabo and suck lip with Adam. This leftist multimillionaire liberal should be treated with the same disdain and disregard she shows the public. She is putting out a crap product. Again. Do like me and strike against this poop. Poop is poop and aniston is the poop queen. At least her nemesis can act. This gal is so yesterday. Read a good book. People need to get their heads out of their asses and re-evalute their lives and re-direct their attention to the slow destruction of our country starting with the dumming down of people.
You don’t need Hollywood. Their function is no longer to entertain or invigorate the mind. Wake Up folks.
He was really good in Punch Drunk Love. But, that movie can only be made once.
adam sandler’s “movies” SUCK.. on SNL when he was just a pup he was really funny….now he gets paid millions to bore the shit out of whoever is stupid enough to see his crap movies.
jenn is gorgeous but doesn’t seem to have much luck artistically, career-wise. if i had 1/4 of the money she has I would never be in another shitty movie ever again. i’d just enjoy my ultra rich life.
You know exactly what you are getting with a Jen or Adam movie. Not always a bad or a good thing. But, really Heidi Montag! The movie is doomed with her and box office poison Kidman. Will skip this one.
There have been tons of cruel comments about Jennifer Aniston doing the rounds on the world wide web of late. I consider she looks great, especially following losing a couple of kilos.
Yes this movie was funny to some degree and it took me away to another persons point of view and yes she was funny to some degree but I Should had had a drink to laugh harder to the show but I Give it a C- in grade but it was thought out well and it was sugar sweet and had its high lights but they did the best they can and this kind of movie is better to view more then just once for better understanding over all and how people fall in love with some one who is in front of you each and every day and not knowing until you really look each other in the eye and see emotions and feeling that are under come up to the top and having those emotions just fly and come out and knowing that person was right for you all along and that is what this show is all about.
THIS WOMAN LOOKS INCREDIBLE AND WONDERFUL AND STILL HAS THE BODY OF A TEEN AGER?Adam should return to singing again and really miss that part of his career and wish he would go back to it.