Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Janet Jackson’s book “True You: Finding and Loving Yourself” is a bona fide best seller and while she’s on her “Up Close and Personal” 35 city tour, she’s promoting the book between concerts. She popped into Book Soup in Hollywood and was greeting by a line of hundreds of people hoping for signed books. How she has time to fit her boyfriend Wissam Al Mana into her frantic life remains to be seen. He certainly won’t forget her – not long ago she surprised him with a fabulous gift: the much coveted 1964 Lincoln Continental convertible with suicide doors – in mint condition.

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  1. I’m not sure somebody like her knows the first thing about loving herself. She is constantly mutilating herself with plastic surgery, gaining and losing weight, secret marriages and weird relationships. That’s not a book I’d ever buy.

  2. That little Arab is spending lots of family money on increasing infrequent opportunities to pound her large black caboose.

    Janet wrote a book about like Diddy got a phd. Ghost writers get paid big bucks to write books with a few few of these celebs thoughts and many of their own. Janet Jackson the author is as unlikely as Tito Jackson the CBS News anchor.

  3. I’m with Palermo on this one. She has never seemed to be all that together as a person. However if she has found herself, and loves herself the way she is, good for her.

  4. Ditto. I feel the same as Palermo too. One of the things that use to aggravate me about Janet and Michael Jackson were their ultra light speaking voices. I always have to turn the tv way up and lean in to hear them. I’m thinking if you can stand in front of thousands and perform loudly, then speak up when you are being interviewed or want to comment to someone.

    I can’t help but wonder if their soft speaking voices are a result of being cowarded down by Joe Jackson when they were children.

  5. Personally, I am really happy for Janet. Judging by her maintaing her current weight for a period of time, proves that she is comfortable with herself. I think she is tired of the hamster wheel and is just trying to live an authentic life. Way o go JJ!!

  6. PS. She is not a size 0 in this photo, but she does look happy.

  7. Off topic.
    Too bad The Kennedy’s is not playing in your parts.
    It is fantastic. Barry Pepper is awesome as Bobby.
    I suggest you all check it out online.

  8. Hey Patrick,
    Thanks Patrick. Bobby Kennedy was my favorite Kennedy. My heart always break a bit when thinking of him.

  9. Shame she keeps her real secrets inside and has to live with pretending things are okay., then write about a fantasy where she suffers a bit, just like every other teen. She’s insane.

  10. Strom, it ain’t glamourized at all. It’s very warty. That would explain why it isn’t for American consumption.
    You can’t handle the truth.

  11. Patrick,
    “You can’t handle the truth.”– Just saw an impressive flashe of Nicholson there. : )

  12. Hey, Patrick

    Did manage to see the first episode of “The Kennedys” here in the US. Agree totally about Barry Pepper as Bobby; he practically steals the show (and if you’re a fan, you should see “The Three Deaths of Malquiades Estrada w/Barry and Tommy Lee Jones).

    As for the production in question, I think many Americans may be Kennedyed out at this point.

    Even more off topic :)…The photo in this month’s Vanity Fair of Maria Shriver and her four brothers. AMAZINGLY attractive people. Whatever was floating in the Kennedy pool looks-wise was strong!

  13. Warty is the truth and if you read the story of Hoffa, Marcello, and Trafficante much of the hatred of the Kennedy’s comes out. Bobby was ready to run over anything with a huge lust for power. Sorry he was killed, glad he was never Pres.

    Many would say they both got what they deserved for the true life they led.

  14. To get inside Janet Jackson’s head, if possible, would puzzle even the very best psychiatrists/psychologists.

    Wonder if she has converted to Islam, to please her Muslim boyfriend.

  15. Wissam isnt interested that she convert….all he wants her to do is bend over. Janet may soon have another book out discussing anal sex w/ Arabs!

  16. Wookin pa nub…. ??????

    I can’t stop laughing. lol

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