The internet group called Anonymous (XENU.NET) has been picketing Scientology buildings in Hollywood and recently they showed up in full force when the Celebrity Centre held a major black tie $600 a plate event . The protesters, who are popping up all around the world, wear masks and carry signs that say things like:
“Ron is Gone, But the Con Goes On”
“Revoke the Scientology Tax Exemption”
“Scientology Kills”
“Honk if you Hate Tom Cruise”
Coincidentally, politically conscious Janeane Garafolo, in a green t shirt and pink leggings, happened to be walking down the street and when she saw the protesters she sneered “F***ING BIGOTS!”
The protesters were surprised by her thoughtless comment, because they are convinced that Scientologists are the bigots. Maybe she wants to be on the “church’s” good side.
Anonymous Janeane Garafolo Scientology
I think she is saying out loud what most normal people are thinking. The protesters are freaks.
They are somewhat scary. Definitely annoying. Not the type of people I would hang out with if you know what I mean. They look greasy and gross like drug users and those masks dont help.