The loss of James Gandolfini at the age of 51 is truly an American tragedy. Many fans cherished the hope that The Sopranos would return in a movie. Unfortunately, James was stuggling with alcohol again. His self destructive last meal at 7 PM on the night he died was at the Boscolo Exedra Roma hotel restaurant, according to the NY Post. He dined with his 13 year old son Michael and managed to down two pina coladas, 4 shots of rum, and two beers with the meal. Gandolfini consumed two orders of deep fried prawns covered in mayonnaise chili sauce, and a large portion of foie gras. Michael had his own meal and two virgin coladas. Three hours later James Gandolfini was discovered in cardiac arrest. So sad.
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and his son had to watch him drink and eat.
virgin pino’s? ordinarily that’s fine except with the adult abused alcohol?
and these details needed to be made public because? he’s not even cold yet
RIP…when it’s your’s your time! Probably happy he died in Italy.
Right on target Palermo. Do we really have a right to invade his family’s privacy for this “news”?
Janet reaches a new low.
Agree with Palermo! He has a family and ultimately it doesn’t change the outcome. Would you want someone to publish this type of information about you after your death?
this is the “Cause” of his death……………EATING?
What???? NO Desert?
There’s always room for jello.
I don’t think it was wrong for Jan to bring out these facts. It lets us know that James did not suddenly drop dead. There were risk factors, he was aware of them and didn’t follow them.
Listen to your doctor when they say: Don’t smoke, drink, overeat, and make sure you exercise. I follow everything except that I need more exercise. And I feel it when I let down.
If James teaches us anything in death, it is that we should strive to avoid it when possible…
Puhhleez! We all know Janet has a mental “thing” about weight. She points out and belittles “fat” people whenever she gets the chance. The fact that she is EVEN remotely suggesting that what he ate and drank in his last hours were the reason for his death is preposterous and libel. Janet, shut up. Let his family mourn and bury him before you dig him up for gossip fodder and ridicule. I am sad and troubled by what you have become, Janet. I have read and listened to you for YEARS. Being skinny does not make you a better person … you are a perfect example of that.
What you can be sure of is that this is no scoop from JC. Its just the replay of a report she saw elsewhere.
JCH = no scoop zone
Sopranos’ star James Gandolfini died of natural causes and had no drugs in his system, according to family friend Michael Kobold.
Speaking at a press conference in Italy on Friday, Kobold said the family had “received the results of the autopsy which stated he died of heart attack of natural causes. The autopsy further states that nothing else was found in his system.”
Gandolfini, 51, was found unconscious in the bathroom of his hotel room on Wednesday by his 13-year-old son, Michael, and rushed to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
Kobold said the family is doing everything it can to bring his body back to the United States.
“In Italy it can take up to 10 days to get all the necessary documents and paperwork to repatriate the body. We are looking forward to working with the Italian government, the officials, to shorten that process,” he said. “We expect that to be Wednesday, maybe Thursday.”
Kobold also denied a report in the New York Post that Gandoflini, who had struggled with alcohol and drugs, ate a final meal that included at least eight alcoholic drinks, two orders of fried prawns, and a large plate of foie gras.
“Except for the foie gras, looking at what was listed, all of that stuff is something I had with the family yesterday and the pina coladas were virgin pina coladas, they were drunk by his son,” Kobold said. “So you guys know Jim, it’s not his drink of choice. He doesn’t drink pina coladas in 40 degree [Celsius]heat.”
The Post cited a hotel source who told them that Gandolfini drank four shots of rum, two pina coladas, and two beers at dinner with his son at the Boscolo Exedra Roma hotel’s outdoor restaurant, while eating two orders of fried king prawns and a “large portion” of foie gras.
The Post said Gandolfini ordered a pina colada with two additional shots of rum on the side, then followed that up with an identical round — a pina colada and two shots — and then downed two beers.
He was a fat fouck and abused coke. What did a fatty expect. The doctors were being to kind when they reported they found nothing. From the shape of his stomach their had to be a cow, pig, horse and people laced in coke.
Had he lived he was probably destined to be type cast and always play mobsters. He will always be remembered as Tony Soprano.
As the Premier of Italy said to those criticizing his womanizing, “At least I am not Gay!”
Latifah, Hillary, Ellen, Jenny Shimizu, Rosie, Rachel, and Sam Ronson can’t say the same.
he died of natural causes.
I guess its natural to have a heart attack at 51 and die from that.
statistically the first symptom of a heart attack is death folks …
The sad truth is Gandolfini apparently is the author of his early demise. If what Janet reported is true, Gandolfini’s death should not come as a surprise. But it should be a warning against obesity and poor nutrition. We have a health crises in this country and unfortunately Gandolfini could be the poster boy for the ravages of being overweight and thumbing your nose by eating all the wrong things. The AMA just identified obesity as a disease and clearly it can be a terminal one as we see here; especially if mixed with heavy smoking and/or drinking. The real danger now is his son will follow suit. One photo broadcasted of his son appears to show a young boy several pounds over a heavy load. If I were Chris Christy, I would either take this as an omen or be sure my life insurance was paid in full.
What BeeBee said!
Yes we all know being heavy isn’t good for you, but to try and make it sound like this last meal was what killed him is pointless. Plenty of anorexics die of heart attacks too. In his case it could have been genetic, it could have been a lifetime of bad food/drink/drug choices, he was a smoker, did he ever exercise. Plenty of time to speculate after he’s buried, his friends and perhaps family don’t need to read this type of garbage right now.
His last meal didn’t kill him, how foolish. Otherwise he was poisoned.
As the Premier of Italy said to those criticizing his womanizing, “At least I am not Gay!”
Latifah, Hillary, Ellen, Jenny Shimizu, Rosie, Rachel, and Sam Ronson can’t say the same.
It wasn’t the last meal that did him in, but a lifetime of uneducated food choices. I hope Mr. Gandolfini died happy and satisfied with his tasty, Italian dinner in a beautiful city. He is gone much too soon.
When you abuse your body with the wrong kinds of things, this is what happens. He was a great actor, and from what I’ve read, a wonderful man, but he had demons that he was no match for. A tragedy, a tremendous loss, but he did it to himself. Such a senseless death.
All I can think about is his teenage son finding Dad unresponsive on the bathroom floor. It must have been terrifying for him. Sympathies to his family, friends and fans.
Sometimes I am grateful of how fortunate, happy I am with my family, career, friends and .. but that time he didn’t