Simon Cowell and his new fiancee Mezghan Hussainy took a stroll around the block of his sprawling Beverly Hills house. It looks like the American Idol make up artist will just have to get used to living in this neighborhood. After just six months of dating, she hit the jackpot when Mezghan landed her 90 million dollars a year boss. A lot of make up artists marry well in Hollywood.

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  1. If she wants a houseful of bambinos, the deal may be off. That’s what happened to Terri Seymour who lived with him for years. Methinks Simon is another George Clooney. But lala-land being what it is, anything goes, and you can expect the unexpected from him.

  2. Isn’t Mezghan Hussainy just a new beard? I thought Cowell played for the other team, just like Seacrest.

  3. Whatever the deal with Cowells’ sexuality, would someone tell him to keep his gorilla tits covered?

  4. He DOES have one of the oddest shaped bodies I’ve ever seen for a man. But I don’t for a second believe any gossip about him being anything close to being gay. Why must every man talked about on this site be “gay”? It’s the most rediculous trend I have ever noticed. Everyone here seems to be obscessed with the idea that all men are “faggots” as they put it and that all the women they are dating are “beards”. GAWD, get a grip!!

  5. This thing about gay is just nerve racking. He’s doesn’t even come across like he’s gay. This generation is all about people being gay, it’s just sooo dumb.

  6. He does have a rather odd-shaped body, but there are plenty worse. He does, however, desperately need a man-ziere …. or the Bro. And she is kinda tough looking.

  7. his TITS are bigger than his wife’s ones.
    ……….so this is a “FAT AMERICAN ASSHOLE” for real!!

  8. Lenny, what do you think gay looks like? You must be basing your judgement on a very narrow stereotype. Anyway, it is not so much about the appearance of behavior of the man himself, but about the subtle cues in his activity, and relationships with women while he is in public. It is not difficult to spot a beard.

  9. Let me give you ladies a clue….he is GAY as a blade. Just look at his Queenie behavior on Idol and his constant references to “drag acts”. No straight man talks/acts that way. His hand gestures, manner of speech and even the his body language scream GAY.

  10. This gal is one tough-looking broad. They must have some kind of agreement worked out, and it for sure has to do with big $money.

  11. He isnt gay, he’s British. It wasnt that long ago that Terry interviewed him and they still were flirty, I thought they were still dating. That is one long relationship with no engagement, then he gets engaged relatively quickly with this one, hmmm.

  12. ChiChi, and I bet you still think Seacrust is straight? LOL….some chick he was “dating” admitted he was gay and she was fake dating him because his agent arranged it to make him look straight. Someone should invent a board game about all these closeted people, it would be fun. Out the homo and win plastic house.

  13. Seacrest is a faggot and not very good at hiding it. Cowell is most likely one. These two have been seen partying together, which means nothing basically.

  14. I’m surprised Cowell hasn’t had any “work” done on his man boobs. He certainly has the money for it.

  15. To all of the above, I personally Know her and she is not a “beard”. You people make us all laugh, you must all have no lives to just sit around and analyze,and assume situations you dont have a clue about!!!! They are HAPPY and he is NO where close to GAY, so people please get a life and do something with your time then to sit around and worry about other peoples relationships, at the end of the day they are happy and in love and all your opinions dont matter!!!! And they live happy with their Millions!!!

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