Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Does this face look familiar? It’s TV star Lee Majors – best known for the late 60’s series “The Big Valley,” the 70’s series “The Six Million Dollar Man,” and his marriage to Farrah Fawcett. (Above, he’s pictured with his wife Faith.) He’s back in LA filming the movie version of “The Big Valley.” Jessica Lange is playing the Barbara Stanwyck role of Victoria Barkley and “True Blood’s” Stephen Moyer is starring as Jarrod Barkley. Lee is playing another member of the family – Tom Barkley. Hmmm. Another movie based on a TV series…..

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  1. II am going to assume he is playing a cameo role and not the male lead opposite Jessica Lange. She chose “The Big Valley” as her follow-up project to the sensational HBO movie “Grey Gardens?” Whoa.

  2. the original show was a little before my time but this new cast sounds good. I used to LOVE the Six Million Dollar Man. slow motion was the 70’s CGi…

  3. Will anyone care?

    People of a certain age will remember Majors and his series, but I do not see evidence that Valley or the Six Million Dollar Man have captured the publics imagination the way, say, shows like The Adams Family or Charlie’s Angels have.

  4. I loved Lee Majors in “The Big Valley” (loved those tight white jeans!) and in the “Six Million Dollar Man” (Steve Austin…astronaut…a man barely alive…we can rebuild him, we have the technology!) Lee Majors was also good in “The Fall Guy.” I wonder who will play Nick Barkley? The oldest son, Jarrod, was the smart one; Nick was the rough one; and Heath (Lee Majors) was the sensitive one. Being cast now as Tom Barkley, Lee Majors is playing the role his fictional father from the original series (Heath was the illegitimate son of Tom). But Tom is dead when the series begins, so it’s just Barbara Stanwick running the family. Who is going to get the role for the daughter, Audra (Linda Evans)? You can watch some of the old shows on

  5. Should be good! I like Lee Majors, too bad things didn’t work out for he and Farrah, she would have been better off than with Ryan. Like Jessica Lange, should be a good movie – tv or big screen?

  6. I’m pretty sure that face isn’t familiar even to Lee Majors himself.

  7. LOL at Seriously! I am so SICK of seeing all these Grandpas out with their granddaughters, do they never grow up? If they had no money these women wouldn’t give them a glance.

  8. HaHaHa! So true Palermo. Makes me wonder, when those golddiggers are 40 or so, if they ever regret spending their best years waiting for the Viagra to kick in so that they can get it over with, and get some sleep so they can be fresh for the next day’s shopping.

    A whore is a whore by any other name.

  9. captain america posts ALL over different gossip boards. i ran into his character on the superficial. damn, you get around!

  10. Yes, Farrah Fawcett should never have left Lee Majors. BIG mistake!

    As for his current wife…she has been with him for a good while now. She seems like she truly cares for him.

  11. i know this is a totally naive Q
    wtf happened to his face??

    it makes me want to run
    screaming from the room….

  12. Squarepants, you know this because you’re all over different gossip boards. Are you stalking the Captain?

  13. Farrah was quite a lucky lady, except on two counts. First, of course, her tragic and untimely death. Second, was her choice in men. Lee Majors was a domineering chavinist. He expected Farrah to remain the little woman, and was quite unreasonable. The only thing that might have prevented Farrah’s relationship with Lee from resembling a Movie of the Week was Farrah’s failure to assert herself until she was ready to walk.

    Ryan is certainly a turd, but, where Farrah was concerned, he was just a turd of a different color.

  14. Not even remotely interested in anything this past TV star has to offer. he should take his whore and go spend whatever time he has left enjoying life. Hell, look at Farrah, you never know. I don’t think she was very smart. You can tell by her choices in men, and how she chose to live with them and put up with being mistreated, let alone how badly her only child turned out. I felt bad for her when she was alive and when I saw her on that ill-fated Letterman show where she made no sense and was stoned out of her mind, she was down right pitiable. With her and Ryan’s probles, how the hell could their son turn out any different? Look at ALL of Ryna’s kids, they are ALL druggie duds!

  15. What got lost in this whole mess is Hollywood going back and making another famous television show into a movie. Damn, can’t this generation come up with their own ideas. This will not work just like 99% of all the others didn’t work.

  16. The Big Valley?!?! What a joke! Hollywood is so lame, they come up with dumber ideas every year. Anyone with any new or creative ideas doesn’t get a chance, becuz H’wood only hires their own family members or lovers.

    btw, Lee Majors story:

    Many years ago I worked at a very popular LA country club. I was working the starter desk while he was at lunch, and in comes Lee Majors and a buddy. I had no freaking idea who he was and he is completely unimpressive in person, shorter than me, and looks 10 years older in person, which is how I describe most actors and actresses that I have met. Anyway, I took their cash & pushed a cart slip in front of them for one of their signatures. Majors pushed it right back at me and said “I’m not signing that”. I stared at him blankly. He said “I don’t give autographs”!?!? While I continued to stare in shock, his buddy grabbed it and signed. As they were walking out I heard the buddy say to Majors, “yeah, that really impressed her.” Then the starter came in and told me who he was! I have a million goofy celebrity stories from that place!

  17. The whole left side of Major’s face is falling, falling….maybe he only talks out of one side.

  18. georgie, that is hilarious. And I have read other accounts, by journalists and movie critics, that say the same things you did, that “stars” are usually shorter, uglier and grotty-looking in real life. In one account, someone described Brad Pitt’s teeth as disgustingly yellow.

  19. Yeah Lenny, I think the only time that worked out really well was Harrison Fords “The Fugitive”. That was a good remake of a tv show. I can’t think of any others.

    SebCan, love the grotty looking!!! Never heard that word before, can’t wait to use it.

  20. Yoshi, must be a slow news day…prepare for Kardashian Press Releases!

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