
Halle Berry arrived alone at Craig’s for dinner and she has a serious look on her face. Is she meeting her lawyer inside? Is that big bag full of legal papers? Rumor has it she and Olivier Martinez are on the verge of divorce and could file any time now. Insiders say Halle can’t tolerate Olivier’s fiery temper – coincidentally or not, that has been the reason for nearly ALL of her splits.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. you dont see her face whem the sanitary towels are missing at home.

  2. As J Lo, w/o wigs and makeup she is a very plain looking woman!

  3. Did Halle ever repay the loan to her former white Boyfriend for the purchase of her breasts?

  4. Everyone knows she’s crazy. I feel sorry for her kids.

  5. Why would any man want to hook up with her. She is poison and every time she marries, there soon appears explosive situations, whether about kids, or child support, or fights, or tempers, yada yada yada. She is a nympho skank nut-case who appears to be totally clueless as to how to handle her life.

  6. Halle is crazy and every relationship she finds herself as the victim! When you believe you are the victim you can never see your role in the relationship!

  7. She’s a Siren. That’s why men fall for her. Over and over.

  8. She’s a looney bin siren. Everyone knows Halle is mentally unstable.

  9. Yeah, well, men look into her eyes and cleavage, and go, goo goo, ga ga, and it’s all over. And, the woman doesn’t have any judgement about the men drooling over her.

  10. Janet can you use your “sources” to explain to readers why this Woman is constantly in trouble?

    I thin this Woman may be very severely stricken with Mental disease,she may need ti be incarcerated.

  11. From her past to now.. the same pattern. She has bitten off more than she can ever chew or swallow with her equally angry and controlling man.. and he’s not gonna let her spit him out.. No.. Choke on it .. forever. Talked about marriage and children, wanting to have family..moved really fast, says “I love you” too quickly or seems too good to be true, wanted their new love to move in together almost immediately, met the other’s family immediately and was incredibly charming, as with any close friends you introduced them to. A controlling, manipulative, narcissistic person wants to charm your family so when you come back to them with questions about their rude behavior and abuse, they won’t understand and may even defend them. Then really started to not want them to keep in contact with other people in their life, old friends, close or not, said thet didn’t trust them with me., they didn’t like them. Then they try to manipulate and control are insecure and obsessed with control. They want to know everything about you, especially your vulnerable qualities. I you fear and hate a control freak.. Leave without telling them never talk to their friends, family or coworkers again, don’t make contact with anyone they know.. but alas they have a child so endless fighting for control over the other continues.

  12. Strom thought the $80K was for her teeth, publicity photos etc. Oh Well…

  13. Poor JJ, without wigs and makeup Halle is an extremely plain looking biracial woman.

  14. She is now using the race card again….helpful during a flagging career.

    Without wigs and makeup she is an extremely plain looking bi racial woman…with a set of purchased breasts!

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