We figured Steve Wynn was angry enough to fire Paris Hilton’s boyfriend Cy Waits from his nightclub manager job, but we didn’t realize Wynn was fed up with Paris also! After he fired Waits, Wynn went on the BAN Paris from the two Wynn resorts in Las Vegas (and all the nightclubs therein,) according to the Huffington Post. Waits was arrested for misdemeanor DUI while Hilton is accused of felony cocaine possession. So far, Cy’s twin brother Jesse is still working for Wynn. If cocaine charges don’t faze her, we wonder if being banned from nightclubs will get Paris’s attention.

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  1. Paris will have to downsize her ego and hit the sleazy clubs from now on.

  2. What’s REALLY a shame is that a DUI is ONLY a misdemeanor! Driving drunk should be a felony and taken much more seriously, and if it was maybe there wouldn’t be so many families permanently damaged by drunk drivers. Paris is beyond a skank, she’s a herpes laden whore, drug addict alcoholic. She’s screwed pretty much every loser third and fourth class guy there is. I can’t figure out how she even manages to walk without being bow legged, her legs are spread wide so often. She might as well just leave her pants permanently off as she takes all comers anyway! The line forms to the left, but bring your own Valtrex boys!

  3. Paris banned from resorts? They should make this well know, and their occupancy will go way up. And housekeeping can stop triple-boiling the sheets and towels.

  4. The clock is ticking for Paris and it’s only a matter of time before something happens to shakeup her world.

  5. she will help the united states in even more economic difficulties!!
    ………….THIS IS HER GAME!!

  6. Wow!
    What I would like to know is what the hell she is smoking in that pipe….
    I really do not know to much regarding Paris,never really had an interest….but I sure hope she isn`t a loser cracker jack…
    Maybe it`s weed:)

  7. yes, what drug is this tool smoking? never cared for drugs nor excessive drinking, past times for the foolish and weak minded.

    drunk driving laws are lenient because it is assumed that more people drive buzzed than we could possibly ever know. e.g. the judge who advocates for harsher sentencing may find him/herself behind bars for driving buzzed from the holiday party.

    hence, lawmakers tend to be scared to impose harsher laws. it is wrong anyway.

  8. Ah,….let me guess…that isn’t her pipe. That isn’t her…If this was anyone else, they’d be punished to the full extent of the law.
    Her transparent “wasn’t my purse,” etc. excuses make me want to hurl.

  9. Paris is was and always will be a complete waste of oxygen as is Lindsay Lohan.

  10. She’s as much of a loser as the droopy drawers assholes that are seen nightly on “Cops” trying to keep their britches up while the police find all sorts of drugs and pipes and pills in their pants, all layers of them and the losers stand there saying “hey dude, deese pant’s ain’t MINE homey!”

    Yeah riiight, they’re NOT your pants, and it’s NOT Paris’ purse, and no one knows whose drugs they are, just some magical invisible druggie who was passing by and decided to leave all their stash on YOU…yeah, that’ll work…stick to THAT story genius!!! haha haha haha haha haha

  11. Paris snorting coke will cause her to get a new nose job eventually. Maybe the next one will be more attractive. The one she’s got now is way too thin; she must have gone to a cheap plastic surgeon.

  12. Love love LOVE Paris Hilton. Rick and Kathy Hilton come from the good, American, wholesome stock of family values that were instilled on their lovely daughter, the very demure Miss Paris Hilton.

    She’s a role model. I predict she will be a loving wife and mother to many children in the great tradition of American families.

    Let’s hope she’s on the cover of People or US with her new born child and doting hubby.

  13. Mrs Patrick Campbell surely you jest! She’s not going to get married. She’ll never find a man low class enough for her. And as for her ever having a child…only if they drag it out of her belly button…Herpes can be deadly for a baby passing thru the birth canal (in Paris’s case…the Panama canal). OH AND that pipe she’s using is usually used for smoking crack. I’ve watched enough Cops episodes and seen these small usually glass pipes pulled from the deep pockets of druggies britches after they’ve been caught running from the cops. The cops always hold the pipe up to the camera so the home viewer can see it clearly as he announces it a “crack pipe”. So there you have it. Paris is the full fledged skank..herpes laden whore we all knew her to be all along. No surprizes there. I just pray she’s sterile…I wouldn’t wish Her as a mom on any child. Look how she treats her pets! Plays with them a few times and then dumps them for the next new one.

  14. Of course her company would make people want to show up and maybe people are just tired of paying her to come in and she often toss many away on stupid stuff like getting her make-up done for 1000s of dollars which is crazy and she has so much money to spend that she is simply bored with it and she is a living like a Queen and she is so Supper Rich and This woman has everything her little heart desires and massive amount of people are just kissing her ass and wanting her friendship and begging for her friendship and this people treat her like gold and silver. But no wonder she is always so skinney she is doing crack coke caine… No wonder she never stress about her wait and I do wonder what is in that pipe she is smoking?

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