Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

This is the happiest we’ve seen Halle Berry look in a VERY long time! She’s in Cape Town, South Africa, filming “Dark Tide” with Olivier Martinez and it looks like they hit it off right away. Halle, 44, split with Gabriel Aubry not long ago, and Olivier, also 44, (remember how sexy he was in “Unfaithful?”) are pictured here BETWEEN TAKES on the set. We’re thinking there’s more than a little spark here.

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  1. This woman seems to interested in anything with pants. What a tacky thing. You would think by the time she reached her age she would have learned a little more class. This one isn’t a cougar but more like an alligator.

  2. He is Kylie Minogue’s sloppy seconds.

    Berry really has poor judgement when it comes to men.

  3. Sebastian…She really does have poor judgment when it comes to men. But if she wants another kid, I guess all she cares about is if his boys are good swimmers. Shades of Gabriel Aubry and Carlos Leon !!

  4. She is an idiot in choosing men. This guy cheated on Kylie Minogue so many times. I think she should concentrate on her girl and give up trying to find a “serious” relationship with anybody. She might be beautiful but there is something very off with her judgement.

  5. She has been battered around by her 2 ex’s. She is 80% deaf in one of her ears. No doubt, her brain was rattled around too, as she appears to have no common sense at all. This dude she has now is just playing her to gain fame (and maybe some of her fortune). Good grief, I do have brilliant insight, not to mention being humble and in no way boastful. lol

  6. Indy, yeah, he is a hanger on, a himbo.

    As to the baby papa thing: what is it about some of these female celebs who have a different daddy for each baby? Why not choose good genetic material, draw up a contract and stick with it? Isn’t life complicated enough for these people without having to juggle two or three different visitation schedules?

  7. It is easy to see from her speaking parts that she has little intelligence….very scripted…..she also always goes after white men…not interested in any more bro’s!

  8. Strom, Halle is half – well, probably more than half – white. Why should she only be with black men? And why are they her bro’s???

    Obviously you believe in the One Drop rule. Should you really be wasting time posting to sites like this? Isn’t cross burning season coming soon?

  9. so funny that she decides to turn in to a desperate hobag as she is getting older and more washed up. shes a loser. NEXT!!!!!

  10. I cant get over how old she looks in the face. I never thought she would age this bad.

  11. al kay duh, I wanna say “way too severe”, but can’t. You are right. What has Berry done lately? Is she going to coast on her celebrity now?

  12. She hasn’t done anything except troll for men. I saw part of one of her forgettable movies. Her acting was sooo wooden. As they say on ‘Seinfeld’ about George Castanza…..concerning Halle I ‘cantstandya’.

  13. btw she never deserved that oscar. whatever the reason was that she got it, that oscar should have gone to somebody else, she cant act!

  14. She’s going to end up going nuts because she’s sooo into herself and lets face it with a nip and tuck here and there anyone can be gorgeous! This woman is miserable she’s barking up another womanizer’s butt and she’s going to be devastated when he cheats on her. Why doesn’t she focus on her child instead of trying to have another,besides her eggs are old now! p.s Olivier and Gabriel look like crap to me!

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