Love, love, love this photo of Kanye and Kim and North flying ECONOMY CLASS to Armenia! Another passenger snapped them cramped into their tiny coach seats, dozing, and posted it on Twitter. It must have been a long uncomfortable flight for a family accustomed to the luxury of first class.
Photo: Twitter
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These two belong in cargo, they have no class.
Kanye is a midget, look at how small those seats are. God I hate flying now.
…………….so everybody can.
Hope the flight attendants have disinfectant spray on board.
And why are they so tight with the $$$$ now. Couldn’t they spring for first class. The whole lot of them are nuts. God knows how the kid will turn out, and with a name like that ..sheesh.
Where’s the gossip as to WHY they are flying coach?
They must have been paying out of pocket and not comped the tickets. That is hilarious!
I have bad dreams about the Pied Piper and clowns.
My question is why?!
……… make apoint.
Where is the ‘gossip’ the ‘scoop’ the stuff you won’t find on other sites? ba ha ha ha ha ha
Poor little imposter…so wants to be Strom.
J lo set the class bar very low by eagerly servicing BLACKS in return for fame. KK has topped it by adding multiple BLACK partners and a sex tape. They are both a disgrace to their race.
” They are both a disgrace to their race. “, and you’re a disgrace to the human race Strom
Poor Eric..flying the diversity flag!
No sign of the baby. They must have stuffed her in the overhead.
Bet your not allowed to fly strom. Betcha you are a big fat tub of lard and all your fats between your ears.
Tiny little Bob, so bitter toward the world and successful people.
Amazing but insightful that in this one thread we have: the little Strom imposter, Bob, & Eric worrying more about Strom than their heroes the Kardashians and the BLACKS with whom they sexually mingle!
oh Strom, not very self aware are we ?
Strom no one is worrying about you. No way. Just picking at you.
And, you ain’t had sex in 40 years, and even your penis doesn’t like you.
Poor little Napper….so jealous you use a name Strom tagged you with.