Did you guess that this coquettish young blonde became an American icon – Martha Stewart? She has a history as both a model and a felon (served five months for insider trading) but we think she would have been a perfect Home Economics teacher if she hadn’t gone on to become a mogul. This is one of her early modeling photos – the going rate at the time was an impressive $50 per hour.
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very old news
Old Old Martha assumes the position threads
say what you like about Martha in the negative sense, the chick was a looker in her youth and even in her old age. Now that’s GOOD GENES.
Who was boning Martha in those days and who now?
Martha is NO felon. The politicians who put her in jail — are the real criminals. Politicians are involved “legally” in insider trading every day of the year – ask Nancy Pelosi. How do u think they make millions in office???
Hey Strom, aren’t getting any are you ? didn’t think so, creep
Poor Jern, hiding behind a new name each day, aren’t you? Go back to the rainbow enabler workshop before they miss you.
strom it takes one to know one. in your case you have so many aliases on this blog that many times its just you posting and arguing and agreeing with yourself. you are creepy.
be fair Strom, you post countless bizarre, unconnected, sexually obsessive posts, that calling you creepy, is the understatement of the year.
You should be, to be accurate, institutionalized.
you start to wonder how many girls went working in a brothel to allow themselves to study at the UCLA.
Poor, poor Chauncey, misguided as usual. I post under no name but mine.
Poor Alex, never one to reply to threads, but always ready to attack poster’s with inaccurate statements.
You can be almost certain that Martha has never gone BLACK!
get help Strom, or at least one human friend, you’re becoming, pathological again
Please advise of anything inaccurate, thanks.
Thanks, I didn’t think there were any inaccuracies.